Chapter 5

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Star's POV

I woke up and started to head to school. It was a good night knowing my 'father' wasn't going to be living with us anymore. I'm happy that I can go to school and go home without having to worry about being abused in anyway whatsoever.

I got to school and there was Kisshu sitting on my desk. Isaac was a very unhappy person. I sat in my desk and looked at Kisshu. He seemed to be guilty of something. But what I have yet to find out.

"What's wrong Kisshu?" He looked at me and smiled.

"Nothing Star-chan, nothing at all." I didn't believe him but soon class started. I wonder how today will go. I blinked and as soon as I did it was time for lunch. I had packed my own and heard Kisshu's stomach growl.

"Kisshu would you like to share my lunch with me?" I had some rice balls and sushi, but what no one else noticed was some bamboo shoots, since I am the panda in our little Mew Mew group, bamboo tastes really good now. I began eating the bamboo as Kisshu ate the sushi, I never liked sushi, but I knew that Kisshu wouldn't think about getting himself his own lunch.

Soon lunch was over and so wasn't school, so we went to the cafe to work. I got the same table and Kisshu did as well. We had a steady stream of business and then we closed up. Then we were all, except for Kisshu, called down to the HQ part of the cafe.

"There's been an alien sitting, it's Kisshu's group again." I sighed and we went out. it was in the middle of downtown Tokyo and it looked like a giant mutated pig. Pai was standing above it with Taruto standing next to him.

"He's late where is he?"

"I don't know Taruto but try being patient." Soon Kisshu showed up and they started their chaos. All the other's transformed. I just kinda stood there. Mint told me to hurry up and I sighed.

"Mew Mew Demon Metamorphosis." I transformed. I had panda ears & tail, a black belly shirt & with matching mini skirt connected in the front with an X, black mid thigh high heeled boots, on my right leg was a black band, black shoulder bands & knuckle bands, a frilly black collar like thing with the transformation pendent and the whole outfit was outlined in red.

"Nice outfit." I nodded to Mint just as Ichigo tried to defeat the pig with her Strawberry Bell's Strawberry Check. I thought for a minute. I looked around. Should I. Yup.

"Demon bell." A bell like Ichigo's appeared, only in my colors. "Mew Ichigo, let's try Checking this thing together." She nodded.

"Strawberry Check!"

"Demon Check!" We defeated the alien.

"Wow Mew Star, i didn't know you had a bell like Mew Ichigo's."

"Actually Mew Lettuce, I have many weapons." They kinda stared and we transformed back and went home. I walked in and there was Yue at the top of the stairs.

"Welcome home Star."

"It's good to be home Yue."

"Mom wants to talk to you." I nodded and hurried to her.

"Star my darling." I kissed her forehead and sat in the chair next to her bed.

"Yes mom." She coughed.

"I'm afraid to say that I may not be able to stay in the house much longer." This came as a shock to me.

"W-What do you mean Mom?"

"My health has completely depleted and our home doctor is retiring."

"C-Can't you hire another one?" She shook her head.

"I'm afraid not. I'm going to be hospitalized. You and Yue will have to keep the house running yourselves. I won't be able to stay here much longer." I broke down into a fit of tears.

"But Mom! You're the one that saved me from that man. How can you leave me so soon after words? We were so sure that you were getting better."

"We found out today that that man had been poisoning me. I am dying Star. There is nothing we can do but wait till I finally breath my last breath. With the health problems I already have and the poison in my system, I won't be here much longer."

"Mom!" The tears continue.

"Yue already knows, he will be looking after you, so be sure to tell him where you are. Okay Star?" I nodded.

"I love you mom."

"I love you too Star." She kissed my cheek. "I'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon, before you come home from school." I cried harder. How can she be leaving me?

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