Chapter 4

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Star's POV

Isaac walked over to Kisshu.

"What are you doing here freak?" Ooo, bad idea.

"Working. Now will you please leave me alone while I go wait on the table I'm assigned too." Holy Shit he didn't freak!

"No way in hell will I move for you."

"Fine then, don't move." Kisshu looked around and went in a different direction and got to Table five, Isaac walked over and punched him right across the face. Oh no he didn't. Kisshu just stood and continued to work. Isaac kept hitting him and I finally snapped.

"Isaac!" He looked toward me and I grabbed him by the back of the shirt and dragged him outside and around the back. Before leaving I yelled to Ichigo.

"Ichigo-chan! Get Ryou or Akasaka out back now because shits gonna be flying." She bolted for the kitchen.

I got out back and right when Isaac turned around I punched him square in the jaw. He looked at me and tried to punch my jaw but I blocked it, twisted his arm and flipped him over my shoulder. He flipped back up on his feet and ran at me. He went to kick but I blocked it, holding his foot. Then he spun his foot out of my grip and I dodged his punch.

Isaac got mad and let me tell you that he went blind with fury and just kept trying to hit me but I dodged all of them. I thought I was doing well when he tripped me and went to ram his heel in my stomach but I rolled out of the way and he almost hyper extended his leg because he did it wrong.

He held his knee and and I tripped him and went to get my heel in his stomach when he rolled and I made a small crater with my foot. I turned and went after him with my fist. I got him in the stomach and he fell to the ground, right when Ryou came out. I stood straight, not a hair out of place.

"Now Isaac, I ask you not to hit our workers. I'll get you your bill." And walked in while Ryou sighed.




"He was hitting Kisshu who was refusing to hit him and trying to work. I lost it because he wouldn't stop and that happened. Here's his bill, give it to him." I walked in and cleaned Isaac's table and waited for whoever was next to sit. Kisshu was doing very well and some girls from school where flirting. I just so happened to hear the conversation while walking by.

"Hey Kisshu-kun."


"Do you know what's good?"

"I like the Chocolate Strawberry Cake. It's displayed over there." She batted her eyes. It was Ai and Shii. Oh shit.

"Do you know anything else that's good to eat?" He stood there and thought.

"I'm afraid I haven't had anything else but the blueberry tart seems like a good choice to me."

"Are you on the menu?" Oh no she didn't.

"No. I'm not. Not your menu anyways." She sighed while Ai gave it a swing.

"How about mine?"

"Nope. I'm on Star's menu and that is it. I don't appreciate your flirting so please." She sat there shocked. All the guys seemed to dig her, all except Ayoma, Isaac, and Kisshu. She pouted and rolled her eyes.

"Fine, Mint tea and a raspberry tart." Shii ordered the same and he left. I overheard them whispering. "We have to get him to date one of us, maybe both. But how?"

"Easy Ai, make Star look bad in front of him."

"How do we do that?"

"Easy, Trip her while she's walking by with food and have her spill it on us, then act like she did it on purpose." I grabbed a nearby pitcher of water and walked over.

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