Chapter 13

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Star's POV

It was coming close to Christmas and I was getting very excited. They didn't have Christmas on Cydronia, so it was going to be a first in a lot of things. First Christmas with Kisshu, first one with Dad not being an asshole, and first without my mother. Dad was having the servants get everything ready when I got a call. It was Ryou.


"Star-san? We need you to come to the Cafe. It's urgent!"And with that he hung up. I sighed as I put my phone away and turned to Yue, who just came to see how everything was going.


"Sorry Onii-sama. I have to go to the Cafe. I think it's..." I looked side to side for Linda and leaned forward. "I think it's Mew Mew stuff." I whispered. He frowned and then nodded.

"Got it. Be safe." I nodded and left. But not before being sassed by Linda.

"Where are you going young lady?" Linda asked.


"Well surely you don't have to go in now." I looked at her.

"Yes, I do. Someone called out and they can't go off only two waitresses, considering one has to work the cash register, and the other one takes a tea break most of the time." I got out and hurried over. I got downstairs into the head quarters.

"You're late." Ryou was irritated, as where most of the girls. I was the last one there.

"Sorry. Bitch of a bitch held me up. So what's up?" Ryou turned on the screen.

"It looks like the Cydronian's think that something is about to happen like last year. They think that Mew Aqua will appear above the City Christmas Tree again this year." I nodded as we transformed and headed out.

"This is bull shit." I said while crossing my arms.

"Why is it bullshit?" I shrugged as, low and behold, Kisshu, Pai, and Taruto where hovering around the star on the top of the tree.

"Do you really think they'll be Mew Aqua here Pai?"

"Yes Kisshu, according to my calculations, it will appear here within the hour."

"Hey! Look!" Taruto pointed to us. Kisshu looked to me and smiled.

"Well hello Panda. Haven't seen you for a while." He flew down and in front of me. "You wanna come be under my tree?" I blushed.

"Kisshu! Stop flirting with the enemy." Kisshu rolled his eyes as he summoned his scythes and started to attack me. I knew he would never hurt me, but we loved to spar on his planet, and we hadn't for a while so...

"Demon Scythes." Out came two scythes similar to Kisshu's and we started to spar, though to almost everyone else it looked like we were fighting. I managed to hit Kisshu so that he flew up a bit.

"Nice job Panda." He began to come at me when something flew by and cut him across the chest. I saw blood fall as he collapsed on the ground. My eyes widened as I wanted to scream. The Dark Blue Knight landed next to me.

"There. That should keep him down for a while." I growled as Ichigo got the Mew Aqua. I turned to go over to Kisshu, but Pai and Taruto were already carrying him through a dimensional warp. I turned and slapped the Dark Blue Knight.

"What was that for princess?" I growled as the tears began to fall.

"You had no right! No right at all damn it! Stay out of my business, out of my way, and out of my LIFE!" I ran off, changed back, and went home. Dad was waiting for me.

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