Act Two: Hospital Drama

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Mama came and visited a bit along with Shingo and Papa. Mama and Papa interrogated Zen and Hadis for a while until they thought they were good people. "Thank you for saving my daughter. I know we interrogated you guys but-" "We understand. You just wanted to know your daughter was safe." Zen cut in with a smile. Hadis nodded and looked at me. "My thread came in today if you want to stitch up your stomach. Or we can have an ambulance come and take you to the hospital. I might be trained in the Medical Field but I was never sure of how to maneuver an injured person." he said a bit sheepishly. I smiled weakly. "I-I'm not sure if I can handle watching you stitch my stomach. I almost passed out yesterday from just watching you take it out." I said with a nervous laugh. Hadis smiled lightly. "That's okay. Seeing as how everything is situated now, I can call up my friends. They know how to maneuver the injured."

Hadis's friends came within the hour and helped me to a van. "Don't worry. We've customized the inside to represent a bit of the inside of an ambulance." Alexander, who's from Russia, said. He had a thick Russian accent that was sometimes hard for me to understand. His hair was platinum and he had almost white skin. "Hadis, open the back doors." Alexander said. Hadis nodded and did as instructed. "It's okay hun. We'll have you to the hospital in no time." Imani, who was from Africa, said. She had dark, red, puffy hair that she kept up in a ponytail. Her eyes were brown and gave me a warm feeling inside. They soon got me inside and put me on a small, elevated bed. "Let's get a move on."


"It's best you don't do anything for a month. That means no lifting objects, going up and down stairs, at least when it's not necessary or any sports." the doctor said. It's been two hours since they've done my stitches and I had woken up a few minutes ago. "How long does she have to stay here?" Mama asked. The doctor thought for a moment. "Well, Hadis told me how she had been attacked. I want to be sure there's no other major injury that he could have possibly missed." he answered. Mama nodded and looked at me. "Well, looks like you'll be here for a bit longer." she said in distress. I smiled at her. "It's okay Mama. I'll be fine."

After they had checked me for anymore injuries, they told me there was no other severe injury. Just some bruises and small cuts from the cement. But they wanted me to stay in the hospital for a bit which was a pretty good idea. My room is on the second floor and the bathroom is on the bottom floor. "Well, looks like you'll be missing a lot on studying." Mama sighed. "She doesn't have to Mrs. Tsukino. My cousin will gladly go to Usagi's school and get her work. Right Hadis?" Zen asked, looking at Hadis who seemed surprised. "S-Sure. I just need a note to say you requested me to retrieve her studying material." he answered. Mama smiled and nodded. "I'll go ask the doctor for some paper."

"Hadis can also help you study! He's graduated from college and knows a lot!" Zen said. I looked at Hadis with pleading eyes. "Please?" I asked with a squeaky voice. Hadis sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "I guess. As long as you help me Zen. I know I went to college but there are still things I'm not very good at." he said, looking at Zen. She gave him two thumbs up and a toothy grin. "Sure thing!" Zen said. I smiled at the both of them. "But could we start tomorrow? I'm still tired from all that has happened." I said rubbing my eyes. Zen looked a me and nodded. "Of course. Sleep is key!"

The next day I spent some studying with the two. Zen helped me with my English and History. Hadis helped me with Science and Math. The way they teach was much easier than how Ami taught me.They did it step by step and cut down the words I didn't understand. "...and that would equal x." Hadis told me. I nodded and wrote down the answer. "Is that all my teacher had for me?" I asked. Hadis went through the pile of papers and books. "For math, yes. But we'll take a break for now. How bout we go for ice cream down in the cafe? Believe it or not, their ice cream is amazing."

I nodded. "Yes please! I haven't had ice cream in forever!" I said happily. Hadis stood up and brought over my wheelchair. He helped me get into it and then pushed me out of the room. "Zen is probably already down there talking to your mother." Hadis said as we entered the elevator. I couldn't stop smiling. I was going to have ice cream after almost three weeks of not having any! We got the the second level and the door opened. Hadis rolled me out and towards the cafe where I saw Zen glaring at...the other senshi.

I put my hands on the switch to stop the wheelchair. Hadis stopped and appeared next to me. "What's wrong?" he asked. I looked down at my lap where my hands were clenched. "Th-There here." I mumbled in response. I glanced back towards them and then looked back down. I guess Hadis saw where I looked and glanced that way. "Are they bullies?" he asked. I shook my head slowly. "Y-You see...I contacted them to come and help me but...but..." I trailed off. "They didn't come. Do you know why?" Hadis asked in a soft voice. I sighed and nodded. "They thought I was asking for more help with my studying. Well, one of them thought I was trying to get out of it."

"Listen, pal, we didn't cause any of this!" I heard Mako-chan shout. "I didn't say you were! But it pisses me off that you cut her off like that!" Zen retorted back. I sighed and knew what had to be done. I pushed the button that undid the brakes and rolled the wheelchair on my own towards them. I heard Hadis following close behind me. Zen turned towards me and walked up to me. "Hey, what are you guys doing down here? I thought she had a lot of work to do." she asked. "I thought it was best to take a break and get her some ice cream. Where's Mrs. Tsukino? I thought she was down here." he asked. Zen used her thumb to point where the stairs were. "She had to go and get Mr. Tsukino's lunch. He forgot it."

Zen adjusted herself slightly and that's when I heard Ami gasp in shock. "Oh my goodness!" she called out. The others looked at me and their eyes widened. I understand why though. My face was mainly black and blue and there was a bandage over my eye. I had a few bandages on my arms and legs for the other cuts. I looked away from them like a whimpering puppy. I know it wasn't their fault...completely. But I still felt a bit upset with them for not listening to me. "H-Hi..." I said, just barely above a whisper. I wasn't sure of what to say. There wasn't much to say at all.

"Usagi...why didn't you tell us?" Minako asked. My fist clenched harder to where I thought I would bleed if I did it any longer. B-Because I thought you wouldn't listen. J-Just like two weeks ago." I answered. I could tell that would put a dent into our friendship. But...they should have listened to me. Then maybe...I wouldn't be so horribly injured. "Usagi-" "No, don't say you would have when you obviously didn't the last time." Zen cut in. Hadis put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it a bit. "This isn't any of your concern!" Rei shouted, bringing attention towards us. "Who was there to save her? Who was the one to help treat her wounds? Who's the one staying at the hospital with her every night? Definitely not you. She became both of our concern the moment we saved her. Not only that but she became our friend. So tell me this isn't any of my concern! Go ahead, I dare you."

Her and Rei were having a stare down. "Alright, that's enough." Hadis said calmly, getting between the two. He then looked at Zen. "Take Usagi back to her room. I'll bring the ice cream up in a bit." he said. Zen sighed and nodded. "Alright." she said. Hadis looked at me. "What flavor would you like?" he asked. "Chocolate." I answered quickly. I wanted to get back to my room and leave the eyes of the inner senshi. To get my work done and forget about today. Zen went behind me and pushed the wheelchair towards the elevator. "I'm sorry that I dragged so much attention to you. I just wanted to confront them." she apologized. I shook my head. "It's okay. I'm glad you did. Because I don't think I could have done it myself."

Zen pressed the up button and as we waited she gave me a gentle hug. "Even if I didn't stay around, I'd still confront them." she said. I giggled a bit. I didn't doubt it. "I bet you would have."


I've taken over the Shadow Realm and now the Light Realm as well. I've invaded many other realms as well. They can't keep running. They'll soon run out of power and won't have the ability to return. All thanks to me destroying their...'safe havens' numerous of times. I let out a chuckle. "You can't run from your fate forever! Brother, Cousin, I will kill you in the end!"

-End of Act Two-  

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