Act Eleven: Truth Behind Memories

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I watched helplessly as the two began to fight. Red and Purple, the two colors that danced around my vision. I couldn't hear anything else but the sound of their attacks colliding. Does that mean the senshi are stalling the fleets? I didn't hear anything that would say otherwise. I redirected my focus to the battle at hand. As I watched, I noticed Zen growing tired. She was hardly attacking him and was only dodging his attacks. And Vadis knows this too. 'I need to help her!' I mentally screamed. I tried to stand up, but my knees buckled under me. I felt the tears of frustration return. 'What am I supposed to do?'

"The Truth."

I was in that dark void again. Mother appeared before me with a stern look. "You must tell him the truth, Serenity. It's the only way." she said. The tears slowly slipped down. "What truth?" I screamed out. Her face softened. "The truth about his brother and mother." she replied. I remained silent. I never met his family in my past life. "Serenity, when Vadis lost the rest of his soul, a darkness took over him. And upon returning to the Shadow Realm, he blamed his brother for the person he became. The darkness made him think Hadis had planned everything. Him falling ill, the war, and you." she said. Dread begun to fill my stomach as what she was saying made me come to a realization. "Vadis believed they were trying to kill him."

Mother looked down at my statement. "Yes." she said softly. A darkness has corrupted his mind. Made it twist and turn with false facts, false emotions, false assumptions. I clenched my fist at the information I was given. "I'll save him."

I blinked and I was back to Earth. I looked around and saw Zen a few feet away from me. Shen was down on her knees, holding her side in pain. I could see blood staining her hands and sliding down her face. Vadis was towering over her, with his sword in his left hand. "It ends here, Miyako." he said. At that moment, my body moved on it's own. I got up and ran, using the adrenaline that pumped through me as fuel. Before he could raise his sword, I tackled him to the ground, my left hand around his left wrist. His sword flew out of his hand and skidded a few feet away from us. Once we fell to the ground, I adjusted myself. I had my hands between his head and I was sitting on his lower abdomen.

I looked into his eyes. Different emotions were circling through them. Confusion, rage, sadness, hate, uncertainty was what I saw. Without realizing, tears started to fall from my eyes and onto his cheeks. "Vadis, please, listen to me." I said, just barely above a whisper. I could almost hear his heart beating heavily. "G....G-Get off me!" he demanded. Vadis tried to push me off but, with unknown power, I didn't budge. "Not until you listen to what I have to say!" I said with a sob at the end. He stopped squirming but didn't look me in the eyes. I bit on my lip for a moment to hold back another sob. "They don't want to kill you."

His eyes widened and he looked up at me. "Th-That's a lie." he mumbled. "Vadis, we don't want to kill you. We want to save you from this darkness. Vokun and Zen said so themselves. That's all anybody wants for you. We all want you to live. Especially your brother." I said, once again biting my lip. He shook his head. "No. They do want me dead!" he exclaimed. With that, he shoved me off him and quickly got to his feet. I did the same. I knew he was going to attack me, but I wasn't going to transform. I wanted him to know I was speaking the truth.

I then felt a sudden chill down my back. "I'll show you. I'll show you that they wanted me dead." he said. Everything went white and once it faded, I was in what looked to be a throne room. It was made of amethyst and sapphire with some marble. It was absolutely stunning. I heard a door open to my right and looked there. I saw Vadis coming out wearing a white button up shirt and black dress pants. And the energy he emitted was pure and calm. "Lord Vadis, your mother wishes to see you in her chamber." a man said farther down the hallway. Vadis looked behind him and smiled. "Thank you Leon. You are dismissed." he said kindly. It made my heart throb with sadness. I haven't seen his kind self in centuries.

The scene changed to show Vadis standing in front of a black wooden door. His face was stricken with horror. "I still can't believe Hadis was willing to drink the poison. I'd thought he'd reject it. But just wait till Vadis hears of this. He'll think of a way to save him. Damn, he might find a way to switch bodies if it meant saving his baby brother." a feminine voice said. Vadis's shoulders begun to shake. "Lies." he whispered. "This'll definitely put my husband more on edge. And if so, he'll most certainly call war upon Silver Millennium. They are killing off our people and claiming it was a misunderstanding after all." the voice said again with a small laugh at the end.

"I hope that little Moon brat gets killed in the process."

Her last statement hung in the air. Vadis became stiff and I could sense rage radiating from him. He walked away from the door quickly and quietly. I then felt a warm sensation in my chest. The wooden door creaked open and I saw a woman with blonde hair and obsidian eyes. She was looking at the door with a sneer. "The end of Vadis has finally begun." she said. The warm feeling vanished as realization hit me. She wanted him to hear her.

The scene changed and showed Hadis running after Vadis. "Brother, wait! Please don't do this!" he pleaded. Vadis wore a navy blue trench coat over his shirt. He was adjusting the sword that rested around his waist. "I have to, Hadis. Serenity has been my friend long before you were born. I refuse to lose her to this pitiful war." Vadis said. Hadis stopped next to Vadis and grabbed his sleeve, panting. "B-But...what if Father sees you? He'll see it as treason and disown you! You're my only brother! Please! Don't do this!" he cried out. Vadis stood there like a statue. "Goodbye, my dear brother." Vadis said sadly, pulling his sleeve free and walking off. Tears ran down Hadis's cheeks. "No...BROTHER!" he cried.

I held back the tears that threatened to fall. The warm sensation filled my chest again and I had the urge to look behind me. I turned around and saw the woman from earlier behind a pillar. She was smiling brightly. "One step closer." she mumbled. The feeling left and the scene changed one last time and showed Vadis. But, he had a dark aura radiating from him. He stood in front of his mother that sat on her throne. "So, is the little Moon Child dead? Or did you, by some miracle, save her? You know that's a crime against our realm." she said. Vadis didn't say anything and walked towards her. He stopped in front of her throne and leaned forward, his mouth next to his ear. "I know your intentions," the sound of a sword piercing flesh filled the air. "You damned witch." he said. He straightened up and that's when I saw his sheath didn't have a sword resting inside.

Vadis walked away and that's when I saw the most horrific sight ever. His mother's face was frozen in shock and pain as Vadis's sword rested inside her chest, her heart. "!" she choked out. " pun..punished!" she choked out again, blood dripping from her mouth. Vadis stopped at the bottom step and turned to her. "They'll just end up like you." he retorted with a smirk. He turned away again and continued to walk away from the dying woman. "This day shall mark the end of your cruelty, Mother."

With those words, Vadis disappeared into the shadows and his mother let out her last breath. As she did, her body vanished into nothingness. Everything faded to black and I was left in shock. But the shock was replaced with determination.

"I'll save you from the dark lies."

-End of Act Eleven-

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