Act Nine: The Three Realms

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I knew I had taken a part of his soul. But I hadn't known that I took the last bit of it. What would Hadis think? Would he still see me as a friend? How could he though? I...I killed his brother. I took his only friend. I looked up to the sky and saw the twilight and the first star to appear. My tears had dried out an hour ago, which makes me wonder just how long I've been out here. When I was running from my friends, the sun was high in the sky. Now it was the hour of twilight. Had it truly been that long? My friends probably told my parents and they might have the police looking for me. A sigh escaped my mouth at the thought of the police. I remember when they had came and interrogated me after my stay in the hospital. They were pretty harsh towards me and demanded answers. Now I'm slightly terrified of the police.

"Your time of weeping must wait for another time, Sailor Moon."

My eyes widened at the deep, feminine voice. I looked up and saw that girl and the shadow hellhound. "How did y-" "Know who you are and how I found you? Well, I can sense your power. Which answers both questions." she replied. That makes me question how some of our previous enemies didn't know who I was. "As for the purpose for this encounter, we need your help." she added on. I stood up and brushed off my outfit. "With what?" I asked with caution. Vokun stepped up and looked up at me. "The one who is causing the darkness, that is conquering our worlds, is someone you had once called a friend." he said. With those words, my heart sank further into sadness and self-hatred. I destroyed my best friend, I killed my best friend. This is all my fault! "Lady Miyako, he's close by."

I looked at the girl and saw her stiffen. Her name was Miyako. "Indeed. And he's getting closer too." she comment. I then felt a wave of power, it made me a bit nauseated. "Found you." I heard Vadis say from above. We all looked up and saw him on the ledge of the roof. His expression, it was...calm but stiff at the same time. "What brings you out here, Vadis? Are you that desperate to kill me a second time?" she asked. I looked back down at her. He had killed her before? But then...was she resurrected like me and my friends had been after we defeated Chaos? Or was she reborn? "No. There's a question I have for Serenity." he answered. He wanted to ask me something? "Serenity." he said softly. "Do you remember me?"

Our eyes were locked onto one another. I saw the desperation in his eyes behind the evil that glazed over them. "Yes. I remember you." I answered aloud. "I remember everything about you, about us."

The desperation quickly vanished and the evil glint returned. "That most certainly brightens my mood. Maybe I'll make your death quick, Cousin." Vadis said, looking at Miyako. "Pfft, the last time you said that I suffered for minutes." Miyako scoffed. Vadis shrugged as a black mist swirled around his left hand. "Yes that was my error. I thought slitting your throat would be quick and clean. But it just made a mess." he said. The mist was turning into a sword. The hilt was pitch black with a purple gem in the center on both sides. The blade was straight, sharp and clean. Though I don't think it'll stay clean for long. I looked down to Miyako and saw she had a sword in hand as well. The hilt was the same color, but the gem was turquoise and had four red gems circling it on both sides. "Vokun, take Serenity somewhere safe. This fight will most likely get very ugly."

Vokun looked at her and nodded. "Of course, M'lady." he said with a bow. He turned to me and adjusted his wings. "Follow me, Princess." he said, speed walking towards the exit. I wanted to stay. I wanted to save Vadis like he saved me. But my legs had a mind of their own and started following Vokun towards the exit. As I turned the corner, I heard a familiar voice whisper out to me: "May your life return to being bright, Usagi". After the whisper, all I heard were the clashes of swords and insults.


Vokun led me towards the arcade, a few blocks away from the fight. It was about nine o'clock so it was closed. There was little to no people out which made it easy for Vokun to hide away. He stopped in front of the doors and looked side to side before looking back to them. The shadows wavered and formed a circle on the doors. "It's a portal to the inside." he quickly said before nuding me. I stepped in and stumbled upon entering. Vokun came in and the portal dissipated. He walked towards the Sailor V game that led into the secret Command Center and hopped onto the seat. He just sat there for a few moments, the shadows around him and the game wavering. Vokun then started pressing some buttons on the game and before I knew it, the game moved to reveal the entrance. "How did you know the code?"

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