Act Five: Balance

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It's been almost two months since those boys attacked me. The past week was the exams and we had just recently got our scores. I had A's and B's! This is the best I have ever done in my entire life! Mama was so happy that she basically had a celebration just for me passing! She invited Mamo-chan, Zen, Hadis and Motoki to celebrate with us. They were the ones that helped me out before the time of the exams. I'll also have to thank Ami-chan later. She helped me just as much. A day after the celebration, Zen and I got our uniform orders in and even bought our supplies! We were ready for high school!

During the time of the exams, Mamo-chan got a job at our favorite ice-cream shop! I'll have to admit, I was a bit shocked he chose to work at an ice-cream place instead of trying to become a doctor again. I talked to Motoki about it and he told me Mamo-chan was still moving on from Olivia's death. He also told me they were friends in both high school and college, which only made it harder for him. Despite the pain, Mamo-chan was holding his head high! With the help of me, Zen, Hadis, Motoki and some of his other friends of course.

Today, Zen and I decided to hang out at the Arcade for a bit. We played the Sailor V game, mainly because Zen wanted me to help her pass that level. As she played, she told me about the game she mentioned before....Skyrim I believe it was called. She was more obsessed with that game than the Sailor V game! "Finally! I thought I'd never get pass that level! Gosh!" Zen breathed out. I giggled at her behavior. "Just wait! It gets even harder!" I said, making her glare at me. "Just for that, I will force you to play Skyrim! And I'll show you just how hard it can be!" she threatened. I put up my hands in a way of surrender. "As long as you don't make me kill innocent people." I commented. "Innocence is life's greatest illusion!"

We continued playing, Zen having some gamer rage and attempted to punch the game. We were close to level 90 now, which meant the game will send an alert to Minako-chan. Of course, that's what I wanted. After a while of some therapy, I decided it was time to talk to my friends. As I have said to myself countless of times, It's not their fault. It had been a long day for us all, we just wanted to end. I heard the sliding doors open and footsteps rush in. I heard a sigh and 'It's only her.' from Rei. At first I thought she was directing it towards me until I heard Ami speak up a bit. "Rei, Zen just wants to protect Usagi-chan too!"

I looked at Zen who was smiling at me. She then winked and said: "Go get'em tiger!" I smiled and then stood up, gaining some confidence. I put on a straight face and walked towards them, Zen staying behind. And let me say, getting Zen to stay behind wasn't easy. I basically had to get on my knees and beg her to let me handle everything on my own before we came. They all straightened up at my presence and put on solemn faces. Well, Ami just had more of a calm expression than solemn. I took in a deep breath and regained my confidence that had almost slipped away. "I'm...I'm sorry." I said, sounding the complete opposite of confident. I mentally facepalmed.

Ami's eyes widened a bit. "Why are you apologizing? We should be the ones apologizing!" she said. I shook my head a bit. "I know but, in truth, it was all of our faults." I commented. They were all confused and looked at one another. I let out a sigh. "We've fought off monsters from different galaxies, fought our own fears and much, much more. I should have been able to do the same to some idiots that thought it was okay to use me as a punching bag." I said, resolving their confusion a bit. "But you guys could have also came and lend me a hand. I was a bit terrified to face them on my own. That's why I called you guys, thinking you'd come to my rescue like always."

I could see some guilt in them, I wasn't trying to make them feel guilty! "But the point is, we're all to blame for that incident. All of us could have stopped that." I said a bit quickly. I could tell Ami wanted to cry so, I went up to her and hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry Usagi! I was so stressed out from the exams! I just wanted to rest but because of my selfish act you were injured!" she sobbed. "N-No, I understand! We all were Ami-chan! You wouldn't believe how stressed out I was after our study!" I said, squeezing her. "I just wanted the day to be done as well."

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