Act Fifteen: Drained

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I won't let Yuka get away for what she has done.


She's hurt the ones I cared for one too many times.


They've suffered enough even before she came along.


We will win, just like we always have.


We always found away.


Even when only one of us remained.


I gritted my teeth.


I glared up at Yuka.


Our attacks...


...weren't doing anything.

We were out of breath and becoming tired. Yuka had not a single scratch. "Let's try a Sailor Attack." I called out. Everyone combined their powers with mine. "SAILOR PLANET ATTACK!" we shouted out. Our attack hit Yuka on the spot and dust went everywhere. For a moment, all that could be heard was our heavy breathing. And then, chuckling. Yuka's chuckling. "And I thought your individual attacks were weak." she insulted. Yuka started throw balls of energy at us. All we could do was dodge them from our lack of energy. What do we do? How can we defeat her? All we've accomplished in doing is tiring ourselves out. Thus giving her the upper hand. Vadis tried to come closer a few times but, she'd just shoot multiple attacks at him. The frustration was building inside me, along with desperation.

"She's absorbing your attacks." Zen said. I looked at my wrist that had the ruby necklace. "If you attack they way you have, she'll only grow stronger." she added on. I looked over at Yuka to see her focus was on the others. I opened my communicator. "Everyone, I need you all to stop attacking. Dodge and only dodge! Yuka's simply absorbing our attacks to make herself stronger. We need to let her power drain and then afterwards, hand-to-hand combat." I said. I knew they heard me. They stopped attacking and did what was told. Vadis was confused until Mars went up to him and told him the plan.

As we continued dodging, Yuka's attacks were growing weaker and becoming much slower. "Aw, are you afraid to attack me? Or are you just trying to find an opening?" she mocked. We knew Yuka was simply trying in intimidate us. She was trying to hide the fact she was growing weaker. But we all knew she was, it was clearly obvious. And Yuka knew it was. "I summon my army!" she shouted. Out of nowhere, grey humanly figures rained down. As they landed, they left craters beneath them from impact. They had pitch black eyes and skin that looked like stone. Infact, I think that's what they were made out of. "Go my children! Destroy the ones who stand in our way!"

Despite how they seemed to be made out of stone, they were fast! We barely had time to dodge them. I was slowly becoming scared of what was to come. This was much worse than when it was just Yuka! "Hang in there Usagi, I'll try to find a weak spot." Zen said. A small amount of relief came over me as I noticed her life force was becoming stronger.

Though it faded as we tried to kill one of the stone monsters. It took multiple attacks just to defeat a single one of them. "Mercury! What are those things?" Uranus asked, barely missing a punch to the face. "I can't! These creatures attack relentlessly!" Mercury said, dodging two of them. Without a word spoken, we started to circle around Mercury. I heard the small beeping noise over the commotion. "Any luck?" Jupiter asked. I could still hear typing and then some beeps. "These creatures don't have a name. Though it says here, they're made up of different kinds of powerful stones. As to how they stay alive, they absorb life energy or energy in general."

They absorb life energy. So, from what I understand, they absorb from living things like animal, plants and humans alike. Wait...shadows aren't necessarily alive and they don't produce any type of energy. That's it! "Zen, how much power do you have?" I asked. Zen hesitated. "Enough power to keep me alive. Why? What do you have in mind?" she asked. As I fought, I slowly made my way towards Vadis. "I think I know how to defeat these creatures. But I'll need you and Vadis's help." I answered. Once I was close enough to Vadis, I told him the idea I had in mind. "It's the only choice we have left."


"Our children have grown, Serenity."

The white, haired maiden looked towards her friend. "Indeed they have." she said fondly, looking down into the Reflection Pool. "Your daughter has grown the most though. My son's could learn quite a bit from her." the man said with a chuckle. "Your sons have grown, Haden." Serenity said with a small smile. The amber haired man looked at Serenity and smiled. "You've always been the one to have faith." he said. Serenity continued to look into the Reflection Pool. She watched as her daughter slowly made her way to Vadis. Haden's gaze soften. "One day, our time in these Realms, will come to an end. And we shall be reborn."

Serenity sighed. "I know Haden. But, it still pains me knowing when I am to be reborn, I won't be her mother." she said, her eyes stinging with tears. Haden rested his hand on Serenity's shoulder. She looked up at him to see him smiling. "Serenity, she is your daughter. No matter how many times she's reborn, your blood will run strongly through her veins. You, are her true mother." he said reassuringly. Serenity smiled and put her hand over his. "Thank you, Haden. You truly are a great friend." she thanked. Haden's smile grew brighter. "Of course." he said. They turned their attention back to the Reflection Pool and watched.


Sailor Moon and Vadis discussed her plan and soon put it into action. Zen did her best to gather whatever power she had left within her. Sailor Moon and Vadis inched closer towards Yuka, defeating some of the stone-men on the way. The stone-men begun to slow down, making them more vulnerable. "Kill them! Kill them now!" Yuka commanded. The two stopped in front of her, Vadis being the one to catch her attention. "We know how your 'children' work, Yuka!" he yelled. She looked down at him with a sneer. "Truly? Do tell." she said mockingly. Sailor Moon stepped up and took the spotlight. "You and your army feed off of energy to keep going! But because of how we haven't used our attacks on them, they're becoming weaker. Just like you!"

Yuka's eyes widened before narrowing. "Damn you brats." she said through gritted teeth. Yuka sent an attack at them, which they easily dodged. They landed on top of a roof and looked at one another, nodding. "Ready Zen?" Sailor Moon asked. "Ready as I'll ever be."

Vadis came close to Sailor Moon and put a hand on her side. She put her hand on his shoulder and then they took their free hands and clasped them together. Their now joined hands were pointed towards Yuka, who was desperately seeking for energy. The two started to glow white, their powers becoming in sync. Yuka looked up to the roof they were on, confusion written on her face. "Honeymoon...Shadow Heart Kiss!" they said in unison. A pink, purple light emitted from their hands, flying towards Yuka. The attack was a direct hit, causing Yuka to release an agonizing scream.

When the light disappeared, Yuka was on her knees, hunched over. Smoke came off of her body from the hit. Everyone defeated the remaining stone-men before looking over towards Yuka. One by one, they began to cheer in glee. They were hugging and dancing around with joy. The fight was over at last. Vadis and Sailor Moon looked at each other, panting heavily but also smiling. The two quickly hugged each other out of relief. But their moment of celebration quickly came to an end.

"It's not over yet."

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