Act Thirteen: Death and Freedom

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Hadis and I returned to the Arcade. Hadis stayed outside while I went inside to return the souls of my fallen guardians. When I reached the Command Center, they looked at me with awe. I knew they seen what happened through the computer. Uranus slowly limped towards me, her eyes looking down at the box. I held it out to her. "You do the honors." I said. Uranus slowly took the box from my hands, and turned around towards our fallen guardians. She opened the box and lights of different colors flew out. Each light went to a fallen guardian, the color similar to the gem embedded in their tiaras.

I wanted to remain in the Command Center and wait for them to wake up. But I sensed a dark, powerful energy from above. I quickly, yet silently, left the Command Center. I took the secret entrance to get out and go to the front of the Arcade. My eyes widened at the sight before me. Hadis and Vadis were fighting, blood dripping down from their mouths and noses. How long have they been fighting? I didn't know but I knew that it needed to stop now. I held out my hand and a ball of white light flew out. It hit in between them, causing a shock wave and sending the two back. They fell to the ground with loud grunts.

"I've had enough of seeing you two fight!" I shouted, coming closer. They didn't stand up but instead looked at me. "You are brothers! Brothers that need each other." I added. Hadis clenched his fists and his eyes narrowed. "My brother wouldn't kill Zen in cold blood!" he shouted back. A lump formed in my throat and tears pricked my eyes. But I wasn't going to let them fall. Not yet. "You're right. He wouldn't kill Zen in cold blood. The darkness corrupting him did." I said solemnly. His eyes softened at my words. Vadis begun to stand up slowly, his body still in shock from the impact. I started walking towards him, holding my head high. "That's why we need to return both halves of his soul."

Vadis's eyes widened. "N...No. Y-You need them!" he choked out. I shook my head as I stopped a few feet away. "Not anymore. Vadis, Hadis is no longer ill and I am no longer at Death's door. What point is there in keeping your soul from you?" I asked. Vadis's eyes narrowed. He then clutched his head. "NO! He's mine! This vessel is mine!" a distorted voice shouted from Vadis's mouth. "Not for long." Hadis said, appearing next to me. We jogged up to Vadis, embracing him, and we started to chant.

Your life was taken, your heart had darkened.

Your freedom destroyed and your reality distorted.

With our power, we return what we have stolen.

When we finished the chant, the darkness that had clung to Vadis scurried away from his body. Then a purple orb came out Hadis and I's chest. The two orbs then joined together and went into Vadis's body. His body glowed a bright purple that slowly faded. Vadis's eyes closed and he collapsed. "Vadis!" I said in worry. Hadis knelt down next to him, putting his ear next to Vadis's mouth. A small smile made it's way onto his face. He was breathing. Vadis was alive and free. The tears I fought back started to flow down. We saved him. We saved Vadis.

"Just because you took me out of his body doesn't mean this is over!"

Hadis and I looked up, our eyes wide in shock. A women with short, puffy pink hair floated in the air above us. Her skin was the color of a glass doll and her eyes were yellow. She wore a dress that seemed to be apart of her. Hadis summoned a sword that was similar to Vadis's but the gems were blue. "Who are you?" he called up to her. Her lips curved up into a twisted smile. "I am Yuka and I shall destroy this planet. One way or another. Though, I'd like a good fight. Therefore, I shall give you all time to rest. I like my opponents to be at their full strength." she answered. Yuka started to fade away. "So don't get too comfy while I'm gone." she said before completely vanishing.

"We need to get my brother into the Command Center." Hadis said, his sword disappearing. He bent down and put Vadis on his back, I helped in adjusting him into a more sturdy position. Once we was fully on Hadis's back, we headed back into the Command Center. Upon entering, I saw my fallen guardians sitting on the ground, alive. My tears from before returned as I quickly went and hugged the two closest to me. Mercury and Venus. I was sure to be gentle when I embraced them. "I'm so glad all of you are alive again." I said with a small sob. The two returned my hug, sniffling coming from both of them. I released them and hugged the other two guardians.

"Is it bad it feels like a dream?" I asked while hugging them. Saturn chuckled. "You aren't the only one who feels that way." she said. I released them, my smile never faltering. There was a small flash of light and Mamo-chan appeared. I quickly hugged him, joy flooding my veins. He hugged back and swung back and forth. "Good job, Usako." he said softly. I simply nodded in his chest, allowing myself to relax in his arms. "Does this mean, it's over?" Mars asked. That's when the tension returned. I released Mamo-chan and looked at Mars sadly. "No, this fight is far from over."

The guardians looked at one another before turning to Hadis. He let out a sigh as he set Vadis down onto the floor. "My brother was never in control to start with. A darkness by the name Yuka had possessed his body since his soul was split between Serenity and I." Hadis explained. Groans and sighs spread across the Command Center. I could tell they were tired from their fights with the fleets. Especially the ones who had fallen. "She's giving us time to recover though. She said she likes her opponents to be at full strength." I chimed in. I could see shoulders slump from relief. "Don't worry. We can defeat her. We've fought many foes before. Yuka's no different."

The guardians smiled at my small speech. Vokun cleared his throat, grabbing our attention. "Serenity, I must ask." he said rather hesitantly. "Uh...where's Lady Miyako?" Vokun asked, fear evident in his voice and eyes. At that moment, any relief, happiness and confidence dissipated. I looked at Hadis to see him looking away, not even glancing at me. I left out a heavy sigh before looking Vokun in the eyes. "Vokun, Zen.....Miyako didn't make it."

His eyes widened. "What?" he whispered. I knelt down and put my hand on his head. "Yuka ...killed Miyako during one of their fights. I would have helped but, my body had went through some shock and I couldn't move. I'm truly sorry." I apologized. A few tears slipped down my cheeks as I looked down. "She...she can't be. Lady Miyako...she saved me. She helped me. This....this isn't right." Vokun mumbled. He then fell to the floor, burying his head between his paws. "" he kept repeating under his breath. "Miyako saved him from Hell."

I looked up to Hadis, his eyes on Vokun. "He was meant to go to Hell and suffer for eternity for the sins he committed. But she saved him. That's why he's taking this so hard." he explained. My heart fell deeper into sadness. She didn't deserve this fate. She deserved so much more than this. I stood up and wiped my tears away. I held my head high and wore a solemn expression. "When Yuka shows herself again, we will fight with everything we have."

Everyone nodded and surrounded Vokun. "We will avenge Miyako for you." Mars said, putting her hand on his back. "We won't let her death be in vain." Uranus added. We all hummed in agreement. "She will go down in history for her heroism." Hadis declared. Vokun looked up at all of us, his eyes glossed over. "Thank you." he whispered out. Vokun shakily stood up and stood straight. "I shall return to the Shadow Realm and give the news of the rescue of Vadis and the death of Lady Miyako. Since Lady Miyako is no longer here, I won't be returning. I will remain in the Shadow Realm. I will protect her family in her place."

We made an opening for Vokun. The shadows wavered and formed a portal in front of him. "Farewell, Sailor Guardians. I pray your battle will be victorious." he said before entering. The portal closed after he entered, leaving it silent. I looked over to Vadis, he was still out cold. "He will awaken soon. It's in our best interest to take him someplace else. The Command Center's floor isn't what you'd call comfortable." he said with a bit of humor. Small chuckles were heard throughout the guardians. "You can say that again." Venus mumbled, cracking her back. I couldn't help but smile. Even in this dark hour, we can find a little bit of light to reflect on.

"Let's head home."

-End of Act Thirteen-

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