Act Fourteen: Hope is the Key

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It's been weeks. Weeks since our true enemy revealed herself. Weeks since Zen had died. School has started back up again, though I wasn't excited like I had been. When they did roll call, they would call out Zen's name. That's when I learned she made her last name her Shadow Name, Miyako. It made my heart throb in pain each time they called out her name. Hadis, though, took it worse. He stopped eating and never really came out of his room. Setsuna would call me sometimes, crying on how she feared for his life. But who could blame her? She was terrified for Hadis's life. Vadis would try to get him out but he'd get either silence or insults. It just makes it seem rescuing Vadis was in vain. Hadis wanted him back and now he does. But all he does is keep pushing him away.

"Tsukino! This isn't the time to daydream!" my Sensei shouted at me. Some kids in the class snickered at me except for Minako. She looked at me with concern. I looked up but not towards Sensei. "Sorry, Sensei." I said mechanically. After a few more hours of lessons and scolding, the day was over. I got up to leave but Sensei put her hand on my shoulder. "I'd like a word with you in private." she stated. I looked at Minako who simply nodded. "I'll wait for you at the gates, Usagi." she said before walking out. I looked at Sensei and she guided me back into the classroom. "Tsukino, I've been told you had passed the exams with flying colors and ended up getting your grades up as well. In less than two weeks. But now, I'm finding that hard to believe."

I kept my gaze down on the floor. I didn't want to talk about this at all. "You have C's and below and it's only your second week in. Not only that but, I've noticed how you stare at Miyako's seat. You keep staring at it throughout the entire day." she kept going. I started to fidget under her gaze. I just wanted to go home. To find Yuka and make her pay for killing Zen, for making Vadis, Hadis, Zen and the Three Realms suffer. "Can you please tell me what's bothering you?" she asked. That's when I sighed and looked her in the eyes. "There's nothing you can do about it. So stop trying to get involved in my problems." I stated coldly. Her eyes widened a little. "Alright I understand. But with this behavior, I'm going to have to contact your parents. Simply out of concern."

"There's nothing any of you can do about it!"

Sensei flinched at my outburst. "This is my problem! A problem I need to face on my own!" I shouted. She sighed and looked down. "Tsukino-" "No, I've heard enough." I cut in. With my final words, I stormed out of the room. I'm tired of people thinking they can help when they can't. "Hey." a voice said. I looked up and noticed I was outside the school. In front of me was none other than Vadis. "Oh, hey." I said. He stood next to me. "I hope you don't mind me walking you home. There's something I wanted to tell you. Behind closed doors." he said. I shook my head. "I don't mind, Vadis. Of all honesty, it'd be nice." I answered. We met up with the others and made small talk until it was time for us to part ways.

Vadis and I entered my house and told Mama he was going to help me with my studies. We went into my room and I put my books away and sat on my bed, patting the spot next to me. Vadis sat down and let out a sigh. "So, the thing I want to talk to you about." he started. I kept quiet and looked at him patiently. "Last night, I had a dream about my cousin and Yuka. It was the fight they had while you and my brother were talking with the troops. Of course, Yuka was still in control over me. But in my dream, it showed Yuka instead of me."

Vadis swallowed and thought for a moment. "It looked as though Miyako was winning. From what I could tell, she didn't have much fatal wounds. Just when Miyako was about to give the final blow, Yuka did something. I believe she casted a spell on her, a hex...something of the sorts. Miyako's body glowed turquoise and started to shrink and morph into something else. Once the light was gone, all that remained was a ruby necklace." he finished. My heart was pounding. It was pounding with hope. Zen must still be alive then. "I-I thought you didn't remember anything during the time Yuka possessed you." I said in shock. He shrugged and smiled slightly. "I guess it was a vision then."

A smile made its way onto my face. I quickly flipped open the lid of my communicator. "Meeting at 9 o'clock tonight at the Command Center! Don't be late!" I said before closing the lid. I looked at Vadis and hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Vadis! This could be the motivation we needed!" I said gleefully. He hugged back and nodded. "Of course, Usagi. Anything for you, my cousin and my little brother."


It was five minutes past nine. They were late and I was getting impatient. What part of 'don't be late' do they not understand? Hypocrites. They tell me not to be late and yet here I am, waiting on them to show up! I heard multiple footsteps coming from the stairs. Soon everyone was on the ground floor, panting. One of them were about to speak but I cut in. "Explanations can wait later. Right now I have something important to tell you and I need all of you to listen and listen well."

Everyone, aside from Vadis, mouths were agape. 'Is that really Usagi?' I heard Mina mumble but I let it slide. Though I couldn't blame her for saying that. I haven't been myself for a while. I took in a deep breath before speaking. "A few hours ago, Vadis told me a memory he had. A memory that was during the time he was possessed." I said. Confused eyes met mine, some even held suspicion. "But, didn't he say he didn't remember anything while being possessed?" Setsuna asked, suspicion clear in her voice. I nodded. "Yes. But what I'm about to tell you, is something good."

Everyone was on edge after I answered. I smiled a bit while I spoke. "This memory has revealed to us that Zen, or Miyako, isn't dead." I said. Light gasps came from a few and I could see some smiling. "We need to tell Hadis. Maybe it'll lighten his mood up then." Setsuna said. "I agree." Vadis chimed in. Everyone either nodded or hummed in agreement. "When Yuka returns, we'll need all the help we can get." Michiru said. We all started up the stairs when the ground began to shake. We all looked at each other, fear and worry in our eyes. All of us transformed and bolted up the stairs. On the way up, I told Mamo-chan and he said he was going to head to Elysion and protect the Earth.

We reached outside and saw Yuka in a nearby intersection. There wasn't much people out tonight, but the ones that were looked up at her in fear and curiosity. Yuka lifted up her hands and crystals broke through the center and grew bigger. People got out of their cars to join the others in running away. They were pushing and tripping all over the place. "This planet will become my new home. And all will bow before me." she declared. Yuka then ripped something off around her neck. It was the ruby necklace! "I have no need for you anymore. I have plenty of energy to live off of." she said before throwing the necklace in our direction.

The necklace landed a few feet away from me. I ran up to it and picked it up. "Zen?" I quietly asked. "" I heard her say. The ruby glowed with each syllable she spoke out. Tears pricked my eyes as I noticed how weak her life force was. "Z-Zen! Please, hang on for a little longer!" I shouted. I heard her take a shaky breath. "Usa....that would.r..require a...m-miracle." she stuttered tiredly. My tears started to fall as became filled with determination. "Then a miracle I will make!" I cried. I grabbed my broach and focused my power onto Zen. I could feel the power leaving me and going into the ruby. "That won't save her, dearie. As long as I live, she'll forever remain like that."

I didn't listen to Yuka and kept giving my power to Zen. I wasn't going to let her truly die! Her people needs her! Her family needs her! Vokun needs her! I won't give up now, not ever! I felt myself get colder, the warmth of my power leaving me. "Usagi..please...that's enough." Zen pleaded. "You have given me enough energy to last. Please...stop." she pleaded again. I listened to her and let go of my broach. Her life force wasn't wavering as much anymore. That's all I needed to gain confidence. "Don't worry Zen. We'll free you." I said. I wrapped the necklace around my wrist and looked up at Yuka. I got into a fighting stance and glared up at her. "I, am Sailor Moon."

I summoned my tiare and gripped it tightly. "And in the name of the Moon," I pointed my tiare at her and narrowed my eyes and gritted my teeth. I will save Zen. I will save Earth. I will save the Shadow and Light Realm. I won't let them down.

"I'll punish you."

-End of Act Fourteen-

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