Act Three: Return

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"You can return home today. But I suggest you wait till next week to start up school. Next week is the time of the exams." my doctor said. I nodded as Mama sighed in relief. "If it's okay, I'd like to see your stomach, Usagi. I just want to be sure that it's not infected or anything." he said. "Sure." I said, raising my shirt up a bit. He put his hands on my stomach and rubbed around it. "It seems to be in a good condition. The stitches came out without trouble so I'm not worried about those." he said. "Dr. Richards, is there any medication you'd like for her to take?" Mama asked. He shook his head. "No. Just to clean it with rubbing alcohol, apply some medicine on it and if it were to start hurting, try taking ibuprofen. If that doesn't help come and see me."

Mama and I walked out, bidding farewell to Dr. Richards. "Papa had to go to work today so Hadis was kind enough to offer us a ride." Mama said as we entered the elevator. "But didn't Papa have today off?" I asked. She nodded and sighed. "Well, something came up and he was needed right away." she answered. The elevator doors opened and we walked out towards the check out. "Hadis should already be outside. You go on and head outside. I'll be out in a minuted." Mama said. I nodded and walked out of the hospital with my ruined uniform in hand. I was wearing a pink t-shirt and blue jeans with flip-flops. I'd have to get a new uniform sometime later.

"Hey Usagi!" Zen shouted. I looked around before spotting Zen leaning against a black Pontiac. "Hey Zen! Is that Hadis's car?" I asked. She nodded. "Yeah. I'm too chicken to get a car. Way too intimidating." she answered a bit sheepishly. I giggled a bit. I remember one time Hadis and Zen were arguing about her getting a car. Zen opened the back door for me and I got in. Hadis was in the driver's seat wearing sunglasses. "Trying to look badass?" Zen asked. Hadis looked at her and rolled his eyes. "More like there's no clouds to block the sun." he said. Zen shrugged and entered the car as well.

Mama walked out of the hospital and towards us. She sat in the front with Hadis and had some papers in her hands. Mama turned to me and handed me paper. "It's your doctor's excuse." she said. I took it and skimmed through it. "Oh, and Mamoru called before we came today. He's really worried." Mama said. I froze and my face went red. I completely forgot about Mamo-chan! He must really be worried! I haven't spoken to him in three weeks! "Hadis, do you know where that new clinic is?" I asked. Hadis nodded as he pulled out. "Yeah. I also know Mamoru. He and I are good friends."


Hadis dropped Mama and Zen off at our house. "I promised your mom I'd help her out with moving some furniture." she said. She shut the door and walked with Mama towards our home. Hadis drove off towards the clinic. "Now I wish I really did have a cellphone." I sighed. Hadis glanced at me. "Which reminds me, how did you contact your friends in the first place? You didn't have any sort of communication." he asked. I started panicking a pit. "W-Well, I have this watch that Ami's mom got for us. Th-They allow us to communicate with one another. They're one of a kind!"

We arrived at the clinic and I was relieved. I quickly got out and rushed inside. I walked up to the front desk and waited for the lady to open the glass window. "Hello, how may I help you today?" she asked as she opened the window. "Yes um, I'm here to see my boyfriend, Mamoru Chiba. I've been in the hospital and never got the chance to contact him." I answered. She looked at me for a moment then her eyes widened. "Oh yeah! Dr. Chiba has been talking about you a lot lately. He really is worried about you. He came in today really depressed." she answered. I felt a bit guilty. She stood up and walked towards a door that connected her office space and the lobby. "I'll take you to him."

We walked down a corridor that had different rooms of patients. We went to the door at the very end. "He should be about done with his patient. Let me check." she said. She opened the door a bit. "Dr. Chiba? Pardon the interruption but, a certain someone is here to see you." she said. I heard a soft 'okay' and ''excuse me'. Mamo-chan walked out and then looked at me with wide eyes. "U-Usako?" he asked. I nodded and looked down. "I-I'm sorry for not calling. I-It's just-" I was cut off by Mamo-chan hugging me. "Your mother told me. I'm just glad to finally be able to see you." he said. I hugged back and didn't want to let go.

Mamo-chan finished up for the day and walked out with me. "I'm glad it was Hadis who had found you. He is an expert when it comes to improvising." Mamo-chan said. We walked towards the Pontiac and Hadis got out. "It's about time you got out. I was about to go in there and drag you out." Hadis said. I chuckled sheepishly. "Sorry Hadis!" I apologized. Hadis looked at Mamo-chan and smiled. "You got yourself a keeper, Chiba. Take good care of her."

Hadis gave both of us a ride home. He stopped at Mamo-chan's place before going to mine. "Usako, after your exams, I'm taking you out on a date. Maybe more than just one." Mamo-chan said. I smiled and looked up at him. "There better be some ice cream!" I said. He chuckled before pecking my lips and leaving. Hadis drove me to my home where Zen was taking out some trash. She looked up and waved as Hadis came to a stop. "Just in time! Mrs. Tsukino and I just finished cleaning up!" Zen said with her hands on her hips. I smiled and got out of the car. "I'll be sure to tell Mama you left with Hadis." I said as she entered the passenger seat. She gave me a thumbs up.

I started walking towards the front door but Hadis called my name. I turned around and looked at him. "Keep in mind that, looks may be deceiving." he said. I raised a brow. "Um, okay." I said. He nodded and then drove off. "What was that about?"

-End of Act Three-

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