Act Twelve: Ending Lies

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His very own mother, wanted him dead. She would stop at nothing, to see him fall. The question that lingered was why? Why did she hate him so much? Why had she lied? I was then jolted from my thoughts. "Usagi! We need to get you to safety! The fleets are coming!" Hadis shouted over the thundering footsteps. He grabbed my arms and pulled me off the ground. I was still in a light daze. I was so confused. What happened to Vadis? And Zen? Where did they go? As these questions ran through my head, Hadis pulled me along to our destination. Weren't the sailor guardians suppose to be stalling them? What happened? Are they okay?

We arrived in front of the arcade, the portal opening by Hadis's command. Instead of the main lobby of the arcade, it instantly lead to the staircase of the Command Center. We quickly walked in and went down the stairs. As we did, my heart dropped to my stomach. There was blood all over the stairs, on each step, none untouched by the crimson liquid. Fear grew rapidly along with the beating of my heart and breathing. Just what happened to the Sailor Senshi? Once we reached the bottom, I received my answer in the most horrific sight possible. Every single one of the guardians were covered in blood, some on the floor, not moving.

Uranus saw me and slowly limped towards me. Pain, sorrow, regret and some other emotions danced in her eyes. I saw how her cheeks were shiny and her eyes were glossy. Uranus had been crying, no, she still is crying. She stopped in front of me, taking deep, shaky breaths. "S...Serenity. I-I'm sorry-" she was cut off by a sob. "But, n-not all of us..." she hiccuped and more tears fell. "Made it out...a..alive." Uranus sobbed out silently. I didn't bother holding in my tears, but I bit on my lip to hold down the sobs that were in my throat. "Who...d..did we all lose?" I asked, a small sob escaping in the progress. She looked to the center of the Command Center and took in some deep breaths. "Mercury, V..Venus, S-S-Saturn and.....and..." Uranus started to sob violently as her eyes landed on a certain aqua-ette. "N-Nep...N-Neptune!"

As Uranus cried out Neptune's name, she hurriedly limped over to her and threw herself onto Neptune's lifeless body. She sobbed violently to where she'd choke on air or her saliva. I too, started to sob. My friends, they were dead...because of me. I looked at the remaining guardians. They were attending their wounds or crying to themselves over the deaths. My attention then went to the fallen guardians, seeing how their faces were contorted in pain and sadness. Only Neptune's expression made it appear she was simply sleeping.

My tears came faster. Why...why did this have to happen to them? To us? I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I slightly turned my head to see Hadis still behind me. "Usa...Serenity, there's something you should see." he said in a low tone. Hadis made me face him completely, his hand once again resting on my shoulder. He raised his opposite hand and rested his index finger upon the center of my forehead. A blue light started to form around his index finger and grew brighter, devouring my vision entirely. The light faded and I was in the castle from Vadis's memories. Though I was in a different wing of the castle. I was standing in front of a black door that begun to open and showed a young Hadis. 'This is...this is his memories.'

"I wish my studies didn't take up so much time. I hardly have time to even glance at Brother now." Hadis said gloomily. He closed the door and leaned against it. "At least he has the Moon Princess to keep him company." he sighed out. Hadis pushed off the doors and headed down the long corridor, making the scene glow blue and fade to a different place. I was now in a room made of sapphire and obsidian. Hadis sat at a huge desk in the corner of the room, surrounded by papers, books, ink bottles and quills. There was a knock on the double doors on the other side of the room.

"Permission to enter." Hadis called out, not looking up from his, what I assume, studies. One of the double doors opened to reveal his...I can't call her his mother. She is a witch, a she-devil, a monster and nothing else. She didn't deserve to be called a mother, let alone a queen. "Ah, I see my little prince is working hard this hour." she said. Hadis looked up at her and smiled, rephrase that, he forced a smile. "Of course, I have much to catch up on since I was away with Father to the Western Kingdom." he said. I could tell he was uncomfortable with her presence. The witch smiled and further came in, revealing a cart with tea.

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