Act Sixteen: End

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Vadis and I released each other and looked at the necklace on my wrist. She was right. Yuka said the only way to free Zen was by defeating her. Zen's still inside the necklace. We quickly looked over towards Yuka to see her eyes. She was looking at me with pure hatred that my knees almost buckled in. "I'll kill you." she said, slowly rising. I took a step back, Vadis copying my actions. If that attack didn't stop her, what else could we do? Yuka looked towards my friends and raised her left arm. A barrage of energy came from her hand and they all hit them directly. And within an instant, they were all down.


Before I could even finish his name, Yuka had struck him down as well. He skidded across the ground, stopping some inches from Venus. I was going to run towards them, make sure they were all okay. But Yuka had pinned me to a wall at full force. The impact knocked the wind from my lungs, making it hard to breath. "After I kill you, I'll kill all of your friends! One by one." she declared. Yuka took a few steps back and started firing multiple attacks. She didn't pause in between any attacks. The pain, it was almost equal to the pain Galaxia had caused me. But that was only the physical.

I couldn't fight it. The feeling of exhaustion was consuming me. I could hear my friends shouting my name, despite it being muffled. The tears blurred my vision more. I failed. I failed my friends, my family, my home. The darkness around my vision kept growing, the pain dissipating. I felt myself fall onto my left side, but I couldn't feel the pain. As I faded to what was mostly likely death, I heard Yuka shout in victory. "This planet is now mine!"


Hadis jolted awake in cold sweat. His dream, no, his nightmare showed Usagi dying. He put his hand over his heart, feeling in pound against his chest. But, was it truly a nightmare? Could it have possibly been a vision? These questions coursed through his mind. As more questions came to him, he pushed them away. Usagi was far too strong to just die like that. The shadows told of how many times she has escaped death because of her will. Her never dying will. Hadis shook his head and uncovered himself. He rose to his feet, planning to go to the destination of his nightmare. He was going to prove himself wrong. As he begun to walk, the world around him started to morph.

This alerted Hadis, bringing his guard up and expecting the worse. But he relaxed when he came to a familiar place. A place in the Shadow Realm. "Why am I here?" he asked aloud. The Reflection Pool was a place he enjoyed residing in as a child. Especially during his time of sickness. "You are here, to do what is needed to be done." a deep voice said. Hadis looked behind him to see Haden, his father. "Father? What is needed of me?" he asked hesitantly. Haden sighed and walked up to the small pool.

A moment of silence came upon them. All that could be heard was the sound of the small waterfall in the pool. The glowing, blue water shone onto Haden's face. Hadis now saw just how old his father has become. "The Sailor Guardians, Princess Serenity, your cousin and brother, are all in danger." Haden breathed out. The news took Hadis by surprise. It couldn't be. They were such a force to be reckoned with. They've defeated countless of enemies for God's sake! How could they be in such danger that required his aid? "Sometimes, you must fight fire with fire. Darkness with Darkness. Light with Light."

Hadis looked down, taking in his father's words. "Though, it never hurts to combine the two forces." Haden added. Hadis looked at his father once more and saw a small smile adorn his wrinkled face. At that moment, Hadis understood what his father was saying. He clenched his fist and smiled himself. "Now that Father, is truly a force to be reckoned with."


Usagi opened her eyes. She was in a room made up of marble alone. In the center was a small pool with a faint blue glow. A small waterfall cascaded down into the pool, making never ending ripples. "Where am I?" she asked aloud, slowly rising from the floor.. "You are in the Reflection Pool of the Light Realm." a comforting voice answered. Usagi looked behind her to see her late mother. "The Light Realm? Doesn't that mean-" "Not yet, my child." Serenity said quickly. A small wave of relief came over Usagi. She quickly got to her feet. "Then why am I here?" she asked, looking around. All that could be seen was some pillars, the rest of the room was shrouded in darkness. The only source of light came from the pool and a crack behind Serenity. Usagi guess that was the exit.

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