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A/N Hey guys, this is my new story based on naruto, I DO NOT OWN any of the characters except for the few I make up as I go along. hope you guys like it!!


I come from the sand


    I will tell you my story of the journey of my life, but it is sad. If you stay through it then that is good but if not I really don’t care. I came from a family no-body will tell me all the secrets about, but enough for me to know, a family that was hidden because we could have been used as a weapon. My family had a secret that went with them to the grave as they were slaughtered to death one night. All because of the legion of the two tail wolf got out by a traitor. They thought they could kill everyone in the village and the people who killed us thought they did. But they didn’t kill me, I was born the day and was taken to the orphanage immidiently. I still kept my last name but no-one didn’t think twice about me. But a weapon is what only I could control, nothing like the nine tail or other demons inside these children.  I was the only person who was allowed to tell my demon what to do: I was the only one who could control it.

            To the people, I was just some sad little orphan whose parents didn’t want me so they left me for dead. I had to keep that lie, and eventually became an outcast to the land of the sand. The place I will always call home. I lived here until I was ten, after that they sent me to live in the leaf village. That was when things turned out for the better, still not accepted by anyone I was going to run away at the age of thirteen. That was when I ran into him, Itachi Uchiha who was fifteen at the time.

            I could see hatred in his eyes just like I had burning deep inside me, Hatred for everyone around you. I remember him asking me why I was running and crying, when I told him my lie of a story he took me under his wing and left the village. I knew he slaughtered his but I didn’t care at all. If I could do the same for the people who hated me I would. That night we met up with people and they forced my head banned off my neck.

            I was once again out-casted until proven worthy to be in the gang they called the Akatsuki. It was a week after that I was proven to be one of them, rage took over me as I was ignored by everyone. So I went back to the sand and killed all the kids who made fun of me, all the parents who put me down. That was when I realized I had power that only death could control. Everyone who died by me was killed with one touch; they called me poison that night and gave me my headband back. A slash in the middle to prove I was one of them and a robe with a ring.

 I finally had a family and from that day on I became the best fighter, the best killer anyone had seen. I even learned how to manipulate people, I was able to copy there moves and power. And by the age of nineteen I became the top assassin in the world. Yet no-one knew what I looked like. I always hid behind a white wolf mask and my long brown hair was always up in a ponytail. My outfit was never shown because I never had to take off my robe with the red clouds on it.

“If you keep day dreaming Rin, you will end up being as weird as Tobi” I heard Konan announce as she walked past the chair I was sitting in.

I gave her a sly smile before going back to my day dream; it felt like only yesterday I was meeting Itachi. I quickly got up and went to my room; I had to change into my clothes because I was still lounging in a loose T-shirt and shorts. With a click to the door stating it was locked and know-one was allowed in. I undressed and slipped on my black vest the covered my chest that was busty. The vest went to the top of my belly button and had a red belt around it and a zipper to keep it together. I pulled on my black shorts with a red belt holding them so they don’t slip of along with enough room for my sword and a few daggers. Then I slipped on my red knee high boots and pulled my hair that went down to my back up in a ponytail.

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