Nine--art is a bang

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I come from the sand 9

      I couldn’t hold back what I was feeling the morning I woke up in Itachi’s arms, if I kept this burden then I would never be the same. Itachi gave me permission to tell my brother what I had been assigned to do, and if he blows my cover I leave. Holding this in was hard but once I got that wish to tell someone I quickly pecked Itachi on his lips, grabbed my bag and ran off. The run wasn’t long but it took a-while, and once inside the hide-out I yelled for my brother’s name.

            He was next to me in a second holding my arms with a worried look on his face “What is wrong Rin?”

I shook my head “It is time you know about our clan and those secrets I been telling you about”

He nodded and turned to Sasuke, who was giving me the most hateful look ever. What got up his butt and died? “Sasuke, I need to steal my brother from you but before I do here”

            I walked up to him and handed him the box with the necklace in it, I gave him a sad smile and pecked his cheek before dragging my brother outside. Once I was far away from the hide-out with my brother I set him down in a cave I found. He looked confused but angry at the same time, it irked me.

“Jugo, what I am about to tell you is very important. It will be up to you to decide what will happen after but please here me out first ok?”

He nodded and told me to go; I took in a deep breath and got ready to explain my life to him.

“I was born in the sand village in the base of the wolf clan, that night Orochimaru and a few other people slaughtered my village just to gain the power we owned but none succeeded. Once we die so does the wolf, that night I was born and no-one knew about it but our mother, she sent me away.

            “As I grew up I left this village at age eight and went to the leaf. I got treated badly because everyone saw me as a freak. Every day I would train to fight, and be good at everything I do and one night, it was time. I ran away from the leaf and killed two people who wanted to drag me back. That was when I met the person who would save me from the dark, I was thirteen at the time and he was fifteen.

            “He took me in and I had a week of lonely solitude to train and prove myself worthy, after that week I killed a couple people in the sand who treated me like dirt, I also went to the leaf and did the same, that was when I found out about my power and gained the nickname I am known for. When I went home covered in blood, I got my sand headband back with a slash in it. I become known as poison, member of the Akatsuki.

            “I become powerful and trained each day with the light that saved me, I was in love with him yet we didn’t say to each other that we had that feeling. Instead we acted like siblings, because that was why he took me in. I reminded him of the brother he left behind, but just recently we had the courage to show are love and now we are together and happy but that isn’t all of it………

I looked at him before speaking and I knew he was angry but I continued on “I was sent on a mission by my leader Pain to be a spy for Orochimaru, to know his plans and try to stop him while keeping a tabs on the brother of Itachi’s, so I accepted. I have been going back and forth from here to my home. And I never intended to get attached to Sasuke, I wanted him to understand why his brother had to kill there clan and come back with me to be a family. But it won’t happen, so I learned his moves, I learned everything about Sasuke because he will kill me when he finds out I am a traitor.

“But to be honest, I was never told to hurt him; it was just mainly for Snake man himself. Once Sasuke killed him I was told to come back home I have completed my mission but I was told to come back and get closer to Sasuke to hurt him. But I can’t and told him no, that was when I find out about you and didn’t want you hurt. The reason I joined the Akatsuki was to be more powerful, I needed to gain there trust so in the end I could gain what I need for revenge on my clan and then turn the Akatsuki name for good.

I Come From The Sand (Akatsuki fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now