8 Outlaws Of Love

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 I come from the sand 8 outlaws of love

         I made my way into my house and crept inside to make sure no-one would notice me as I slipped through the door and into my room. Itachi wanted me home tonight so I thought I would surprise him and look nice. As I figure, the house was completely empty, no-one was home so it meant they were all on missions or up to no good.

            The hot water from the shower hit my skin and fell down my body as I let the water soak me. I used my shampoo that made me smell like honeysuckle with a small hint of vanilla for Itachi since he liked the smell. I also let my hair dry and fall down my back instead of having it up like always. Once I was all clean, I went over to my closet to find an outfit, I pulled out a nice pair of black fitting pants, a fishnet top and a half of a black shirt that hugged my lady curves and had a red paw print on the front.

            My hair was long down to my back and straight, it looked decent so I kept it that way for Itachi. I also pulled on my red boots over my pants, a few bandages around my thigh with my weapon bags. I put my sword strap on my back and had it hang in reach for me to grab it; I put on my bracelet from Deidara and my wolf ring. I smiled and patted my small stomach, my shirt showed most of it because the shirt ended right under my breast.

            Itachi’s scent filled my nose along with Tobi, looks like they were home and hopefully going to make me my cookies! I let a small giggle slip out of my mouth before clamping a hand down on it and walking over to get my headband, but it wasn’t on the table! I must have forgotten it back at Sasuke’s place. How could I be so stupid and leave it behind? Maybe I could go back? No I shouldn’t, so I guess it can wait until tomorrow!

            I smiled and went out my window, I told Itachi later so I was going to go to the village and get him a surprise! My new eyes have been drawing attention to myself, I was glade Itachi and Tobi didn’t mention it last night when they saw me. But it shouldn’t matter because I would kill anyone who dared to speak of it. I went into a small shop and smiled at this necklace; it was pure silver and had a small wolf on it howling. It was perfect for him; it would let him know I am always around whenever we are not by each other.

            I bought the small pendant and was about to leave when something caught my eye, it was another wolf pendant but it looked like the ring Sasuke had gotten me. I quickly bought that and headed back home. I went into the woods and headed back, quickening my pace because I wanted to see my beloved Itachi. I went into my room from the window and wrapped both of the gifts up, I left the one for Sasuke in my bag along with the ring he gotten me.

            The house was loud now; everyone must be home and talking amongst themselves. I could hear Tobi yelling about not eating the cookies and Deidara saying he could because I wouldn’t harm him, and Itachi calling him an idiot. I think it was time to scare the hell out of my blonde hair friend so I ran out of the room and tackled him to the ground. I pinned his hands above his head with my one arm and had his half eaten cookie in the other.

            Once his eyes focused back on me from the hard impact he smirked and started to laugh and then looked back at me and blushed. My chest was near his face and my hair was down making me look probably hot looking. I giggled and stood up, flicking my long hair behind my back and smirking at a scared Tobi who hid behind Itachi. Itachi was staring at me with a look I couldn’t read, but damn he looked hot no matter what, it made me blush and look down.

“No-one touches my cookies or any type of sweets in this house” I smirked and poked my tongue out at Deidara.

I heard Tobi laugh “What an entrance, you have gotten really fast!”

I Come From The Sand (Akatsuki fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now