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I come from the sand 5

          It was a new day today, soon as I got home from Snake man’s secret cave I went right into my bed ignoring everyone. Stealing power can drain you when you go all out to teach someone a lesson. But it wasn’t the point! Today was the day; I tell my fellow members about my wolf, it was also my birthday. I turned twenty today, and I plan on going out to celebrate. As I slowly walked out of my room in a pair of shorts and a shirt I stole from Itachi, I made it into the Kitchen to see Itachi, Deidara, Pain, Tobi, and Konan and plant man standing in front of a cake that had my name on it.

            I smirked at hugged each and every one of them “Guys, we really need to talk”

“What is it Rin? Is everything ok?” I shook my head at pain

“Look guys, I have been hiding this from you all for a-while but it needs to come out now. I am Rin Uzami, the last survivor of the wolf clan from the sand. I just recently got my powers and Orochimaru found it out. None of you can steal my powers, once I die so does the wolf and vice versa but it was time you all knew this”

Pain stared at me for what seemed like hours before he cracked a smile “We knew about you from the moment you joined us Rin. But thank you for telling us otherwise, now what do you want for your birthday?”

I signed in relief before cracking a smile “I want to get plastered, and throw a big party!”

            Konan laughed and took my hand “While the guys plan this, we are going shopping so you can get all the guys fighting for you”

            Konan and I left the guys alone and headed out to shop. We bot left are Akatsuki gear at home because we wanted peace. I told everyone no fighting and they nodded and agreed to my wish. As we went to the leaf village, a plan formed in my head. I was supposed to go back to snake man’s later and I think Sasuke needed to be forgiven. The leaf had some good clothes so as we approached I literally ran in.

            Shopping was my weakness; I loved to buy shoes, tops, bottoms, and weapons, anything that involves shopping for my-self! We were here for an hour and I already had five outfits to buy along with two black sandals. As we paid and left, I was excited to see what the guys planned for me. When I went inside the place was decorated with streamers, there was a band playing and food and drinks were everywhere.

            Konan quickly rushed  us to my room and we got ready there. I slipped on a blood red dress that hugged my curves nicely. It had thin straps that wrapped around my neck; the length went to my mid-thigh. I added my black boots to it and let my hair lay flat all the way down to my back. I stained my lips with red lipstick and added dark eye shadow to my eyes; I still kept my wolf bracelet on. Once I looked complete I had a few weapons hidden just in case.

            Konan wore a black dress that had two slits on each side and went to the ground in length. She left herself looking like she normally did but added a purple rose in her hair instead of the white one. She smiled at me and took my hand. Tonight was going to be fun! I thought as we made our way to the blasting music.

            Deidara and Tobi were already on the dance floor laughing as they danced; Itachi was sitting down drinking with Pain. Konan left me to go to him and plant guy decided to push pass me and said it was my birthday shove. A lot more people showed up who I didn’t know of, but I didn’t care. I was dancing and having a blast, but it got lonely and I wanted Itachi.

I walked over to him and took his drink from him, swallowing it done before smirking “Hey killjoy, come dance with me”

“I don’t dance, now let me drink and go find your boyfriend”

I Come From The Sand (Akatsuki fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now