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I come from the sand 11

      I woke up feeling a strong chakra not too far from here, the person who it belonged to was what made my blood boil. I shot out of bed and pulled on my weapons and turned to Deidara who I told to use a protection jutsu and to not follow me. Once he nodded, I trapped him in the house using a special tool I could control.

            How could he have come for me now? Did he know I was quitting the Akatsuki organization? Well if it was a fight he was looking for, then it is a fight well earned. I stopped in the middle of the clearing Deidara almost died in. That ass would want to fight here knowing it would piss me off. His chakra was so strong, I am sure any ninja around here would sense in and come running.

            I quickly pulled my swords out and cut my thumb, sending my blood to cover the blood and coat it in my own poison. I placed them back in and did the same with my other weapons before the man showed up. Once I was done, I froze in place and turned my head to see Madara walking out from the trees. He pulled off his orange swirled mask and flung it to the ground.

            We both stood there, letting the wind move are cloaks in a flutter before we did anything. What was he waiting for? Why was he just standing there…..he had something up his sleeves. I made the first move and pulled out a kuni, putting my feet in a better position ready to attack.

“Madara, after all these years, you now want to kill me. Haven’t you learned your lesson the first time by helping Orochimaru kill my clan for our powers?” I hissed, his face turning into a shock expression

He quickly wiped the shock off his face “Smart girl you are, but I have faith that it will work this time!”

I smirked “We both know we can’t die, to strong and immortal to do that”

He growled and activated his sharingan “I am going to kill you like I did with your family! Killing your clan was fun, now it is going to be fun killing you slowly and painfully until that wolf is mine!”

            He rushed at me with such speed I almost missed my chance to block with my knife; I quickly activated my eye and smirked as he growled at me. My body got stronger and my moves grew quicker. Now it was my turn to prove how strong I am!

“Surprised to see how much strength I gain Madara? I will kill you for what you did to my clan! NOW GET READY TO DIE!”

            I copied his jutsu and locked him in my mind “wolf pack style: Nightmare of the full moon!”

 Madara was watching the night he killed his brother but only it was his brother killing him. I knew it was going to last long so I used fire to hurt him.

      I was pushed back and my head slammed against the tree, Madara’s foot was crushing my stomach as he smirked at me. He was sending chakra to his foot to make this more painful. I pulled out my kuni and stabbed his leg, when he got distracted I sent a nice round kick to the chin and jumped in a tree, catching my breath.

            My body was pulled to the ground and landed with a hard thud; Madara was hiding his chakra flow from me! I quickly sat up and concentrated, I broke through his jutsu he used to block his flow and smirked. I disappeared and landed silently behind him using the same hiding jutsu he used. I pulled out my sword and slammed it in his chest just near his heart; he gasped but turned and kicked me, sending me soaring again.

He held his wound and smirked “I underestimated you, but now I know……”

He gasped and held his wound again “Poison…..YOU BITCH!”

I Come From The Sand (Akatsuki fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now