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I come from the sand 10

     Everything inside of me hurt and felt like it was on fire from the cut Sasuke put on me when I was trying to rescue Deidara. Inside the safe house we Akatsuki own, I grabbed the medical kit and started to patch up my wound as I used a healing jitsu on me. I had to make sure I had enough strength to heal Deidara as well. He was hurting from almost blowing up, so I walked over to him and patched him up.

            Once he was good enough to be alone, I put up a protection spell so no-one could get in or out. I slowly pulled on my blood stained cloak and poofed myself to the location we were meeting Madara at. Once inside the cave, I was standing on some statue’s hand next to Itachi who looked sad. Madara was not too far and repeated what he told me, which was all a lie.

It was now raining outside once we got out, and I followed Itachi and Shark man outside. They both stopped and Itachi let the rain fall on his skin, anyone could tell he had silent tears falling from his eyes.

“Are you letting the rain cover your tears?” Kisame asked

I turned to him and slapped him in the face “Go away fish”

            When he left mumbling curse words at me, I took Itachi’s hand “He is not dead, he saved himself just in time. I am also alive with Deidara and so is Tobi obviously”

Itachi seemed to smirk at that comment and scoop me up into a hug “Rin, listen to me, I can barely see anymore, my vision is gone and I am dying from it. I want to be able to see you well but it is hard so Rin, don’t come see me anymore”

I stopped him from moving and held onto his hand “I can’t leave you”

He shook his head and grabbed both of my hands “It is killing me, not being able to see you, so please do this for me! Let Deidara be the one to kiss you like I would do, let him be the one to hold you when you are down. Let Deidara be the one to caress you and make you happy in many ways. Let him be the one to hold your kids in his arms and please let him live the life I want for you.”

I was crying by now, everything he said was what I imagined for us “Itachi, you were my first crush, my first love and my first kiss, how can I let you go like this?”

“Because if you love something then set it free, I am letting you go because I can’t be there for you like I want. But Deidara can, so forget me and let him make you happy! I know you love him, let him be your light like I was once”

Itachi’s lips crashed down onto mine roughly “Then give me this day, with just us. Let me show you how much I care about you before I lose you Itachi”

Are foreheads touched as he started to breath heavy “Tonight…..tonight I will show you how much I love you as well, then I can die knowing you were mine and will always be in your heart”

            Are lips crashed against each other again, letting the world fade around us making me feel like we were just the only two human beings on this earth.


     Deidara was up by the time I walked inside the house, he was still lying down but his eyes were open. His body tensed as he felt my presence in the room, poor thing probably thought he was captured by Sasuke. I pulled off my robe and walked over to the man injured on the bed, once he saw me he smiled.

“You died saving me to, I guess I am in heaven”

I laughed and shook my head “I saved you idiot, we are both alive”

            “Everything is so numb; I thought I was done for back there and then when I heard walking I thought I was captured. Why do you smell so much like Itachi?”

I Come From The Sand (Akatsuki fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now