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I come from the sand 17

           The leaf Village did not like Kakashi bringing in a S rank criminal from the akatsuki into their home not bounded up in handcuffs. When we got to the gate, the two shinobi’s guarding the door slapped me in the face, which made me angry and knocked them out. That turned into me being pulled into the village by Kakashi who yelled at me for doing that.

            I was now currently tied to a chair in the Hokagas office while some guy looked inside my mind to see if I was a threat. Everyone in the room which was two ANBU, lady fifth and team Kakashi got to watch my memory played out. It was the worse punishment someone could do because it made tears spill from my eyes as memories of Itachi and I filled the room. Everyone got to see he was my weakness.

            They saw me killing with-out a care, they saw me train with Itachi, Deidara and pain along with me trying to get out of might guy’s grip of “love”.  They saw the scene of me trying to protect Itachi from Sasuke the first time, and me getting bit by Orochimaru. Then the room’s air stiffened as it showed Itachi’s death with me breaking down. Everyone’s eyes turned to me with pity. I didn’t need pity I needed revenge on that ass named Sasuke Uchiha, he needed to pay from taking the only thing keeping me sane.

            When the memories stopped, I was released. I sat there frozen in place as I tried to forget that day but they ruined it. As I watched that scene played out, my whole body shut down and turned into fear. I was afraid to be alone now with-out Itachi to help me when I needed it. He was gone, and I was stuck alone in the world.

            A hand patted my shoulder; I turned to see Kakashi giving me a sad smile as he pulled me up from the chair. His touch sent me back into reality, I had to find Madara. I had to fight him and die so I could be with Itachi.

I pushed Kakashi away “Is this how you get your joy Tsunade? By going through someone’s painful memory and watch them break down and become ruined? Well you get what you want because I am not staying in this stupid village!”

            I jumped through the window and took off before anyone could stop me, I put my hand in the air and let my body disappear into crows and reappear in front of the Uchiha compound. I made my way silently to the graves and fell to my knees in tears onto the grave of my husband. Itachi, you won’t have to wait long anymore because I will be joining you soon.

            “Kakashi told me you would be here” I heard behind me

I ignored them by not turning around and still looked at the grave. “My name is Tanzou miss Uzami”

“It’s Uchiha” I hissed and turned around, taking a step back as I looked at him.

            He looked so much like Sasuke and Itachi mixed together it made me do a double take on him. His hair was black and went down to his shoulders, and his eyes were a black onyx color with a scar on his left eye, his smiled made me blush. Tanzou put his hand out so I took it and pulled it back as fast as I could. I felt s shock of electricity shoot up my arm just like it did when I first met Itachi.

“I am sorry for what they did to you, but if you don’t mind me asking……is Sasuke the person you married?”

I was going to growl at him but a cool wind touched my cheek; I looked to see if it was normal wind but it wasn’t. “No, I was married to Itachi but he died by his brother’s hand”

He nodded and took my hands “So you are the girl Itachi was talking about, damn”

I was going to growl again but the same cold feeling touched my cheek and forehead “How do you know him?” I asked

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