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I come from the sand 6

            Itachi and I went home not to long after we woke up together in the morning, we spent the next of the week hanging out and killing like we normally did for missions. But something was off each day that went by with-out Orochimaru calling for me. Sure I would be happy that I didn’t have to go back and work for this guy but my mood was off. What if he found out I was a back stabber and was planning something bad? Then I would definitely be in danger, along with my team.

            As the slow day went on I decided I was going to man up and check out the reason behind not being called upon. I went to my room and changed into my black shorts, my black vest and red boots. I pulled my long hair into a high ponytail and added my weapons I normally put on and have. I kept the bracelet Deidara got me and finished my look with my sword I now carry. The bite Orochimaru once gave me now turned into a black wolf paw print that stood out on my shoulder.

            Smiling in the mirror, and writing everyone a quick note I was off to my location, I left the empty house. Since sasori left, we lost a few members of this organization. Pain was killed along with Konan, they both didn’t want to be a part of this and they ended up dying. This place wasn’t the same anymore, but it was still my home. It was sad to walk in these doors and find out half of the group is gone.  

            I just locked up the door when Tobi twirled me around and sung my name in a high pitch noise. He set me down not to long after and went inside, ignoring and being use to his strangeness; I walked off and smiled at Itachi as he walked by me. He gave me a small smile back before walking inside the house. Tobi’s voice rang high screaming how good I looked as I walked away. He was such a strange man; it caused me to giggle as I ran off.

            My fingers twirled my hair as my feet slowly walked down the dark and creepy hallway of Orochimaru’s lair. It didn’t bother me much since I dealt with a lot of worse things so I slowly took my time and was softly singing a song. It was very boring here so I tried to entertain myself, but stopped in place as a scent filled my nose. I wasn’t alone in this place and it wasn’t someone I knew.

       I twirled around to see a guy with a slim figure standing against the wall that led to the hallway of my room. His hair went down to his shoulder that was all white with purple-blue tips. He looked up at me and smiled, his eyes were a vibrant purple. He looked no younger than Sasuke. Next to him was a girl who looked like she was angry at me walking in, she too looked young.

            Her hair was long and was red along with her eyes, which had glasses placed on the bridge of her nose. She wore a purple top with light shorts; I was guessing she was a medical ninja. She gave me the look of disgust and walked away in the direction Sasuke would normally be in.

The guy with white hair spoke as he stood up from the wall “So you are the famous Rin I have heard so much about while I was locked up.”

I nodded and placed my hand on my sword “I am Rin, I hope it was bad things your heard about me so you know your place”

He laughed at my threat and shook it off “My name is Suigetsu, water demon”

“Rin, a wolf demon” I ignored his hand and walked in the direction of Sasuke

            As I walked past him, I stopped dead in my tracks and smirked. These two were big idiots if they think I was going to fall for this. The girl who was in here earlier was making her way fast toward me from my blind side. The guy was a water decoy and was ready to get on my other side and tag team me. I stood there and waited, and soon I attacked.

I Come From The Sand (Akatsuki fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now