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I come from the sand 4

                I spent three days resting up at home curled up to Deidara, the fight with Sasuke went wrong when I stepped in front of Itachi to take in a deadly blow just to save him. The cause of the action almost killed me because Itachi left me there for dead with his brother. If it wasn’t for Deidara I wouldn’t be alive. The fight left me with all my ribs broken and gave me a concussion, but since Pain healed me, I only had three broken ribs to deal with and bad back pain from the tree. I also had a scar were my mask broke at, a straight line on the right side of my face going right across my eye. My bangs covered up the forehead part of the scar but it didn’t cover up my eye when I closed it and the bottom of the scar.

            The only problem that left me more worried was, I was still in love with Itachi and Deidara knew this. But he has been the nicest guy toward me and each day I spend with him I end up falling for him. He even got me a silver bracelet with a wolf paw printed on it in black. Itachi on the other hand kept ignoring me, and it has been killing me inside.

            As day three rolled out I was forced to go back with Orochimaru, he had Kabuto come retrieve me. So here I was in my room with a bag of some clothes, wishing Itachi would come hug me like he normally did. But he never came out of his room, so I left with a quick nod to everyone and took off. I held my bag closely and took my time with running and jumping, it still hurt to move.

            Kabuto notice my delay and slowed down, he even took my arm around him and helped me to the hide-out. I smiled at him and gripped him tighter as the last jump we did caused pain to erupt in my chest. These broken ribs hurt badly, it even made me gasp. As the pain slowly faded away I stood back up, and walked into the entrance with Kabuto. He pulled me to a quick stop and placed his hands on my upper stomach and used some of his healing to take away the pain.

“That should help heal them, you took a real beaten. I was there watching and let me tell you, I was shocked you got back up.”

     I smiled and thanked him before walking off in silence, as I got to the main room; Sasuke was sitting on a chair and watching me closely. Orochimaru stood up and smiled at me as I walked in, I couldn’t tell if he was being a pervert or because he was just weird. My outfit was a small dress that was black and went to mid-thigh. I had bandages wrapped around my leg with a few weapon bags. I had a fishnet top that went around my neck and my head band around my neck. I had a black vest loosely on and my new bracelet on my arm, my hair was down for the first time here.

“You look good today Rin” He hissed with a smile on his face

I rolled my eyes and set my bag down “Don’t feel like it, so snake man, why did you call on me?”

“Your curse, were did it go?” He pulled my vest off a tad to find a wolf paw in the place of his curse mark

I smirked as I slapped his hand away “Rejected by my blood, jealous you can’t have my body?”

“Did you get hurt over the weekend?” He smiled as he looked over at Sasuke

“Yup, but I am better now and ready for anything”

He smiled “I have a guest coming over tonight, a friend of mine from the Akatsuki clan. Since Sasori just died the other day—“

I cut him off at the sound of his name “What?”

“They didn’t tell you? Sasori was killed by Sakura and the old lady with her”

            I slowly picked up my bag and walked out of the room, sadness felling my body as the news of my best friend passing. How could he be dead? He was one of the best puppeteers I have ever seen! He was my go to person when I needed help to train, he was the best to talk to when I couldn’t get over my parents death. He was the only one I told my secret to before Itachi and he kept it from everyone.

I Come From The Sand (Akatsuki fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now