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I come from the sand 2

            One week went by staying in this hide-out of Orochimaru’s, and I survived it with passing colors along with him thinking I am fully on his side. It was night time and all my bags were packed that had new clothes inside them.  Leaving was going to be sad a tiny bit because Sasuke and I had become really good friends. The fact that I have been lying to him was eating me up each day, I knew he was the second reason why I was here: to see how strong he has gotten.

            Sasuke has been sulking in his room all day, he came out to see me once and for the rest of the day he went back into hiding. He became the same jerk he was when I first arrived, but I didn’t mind. Soon I could be back into my best friends arm and go killing again like we used to before they sent me on this dangerous mission. I smiled at the thought and pulled my book bag on, then walked into the main room to tell everyone I was leaving.

“Hey, I am off” I spoke nodding and then making my way to the corridor to take me to my freedom.

            No-one spoke a word to me; it was making me worried that something was going to happen so I ran. That was when I heard the creepy laugh of the snake man himself. It sent shivers run down my spine. Get the hell out of here! I bolted even faster and was able to slide out of the closing door of the rock that leads to my freedom. But I didn’t stop there. I kept running until I was right at the bridge, stopping as I took in a gasp of air.

       I screamed as a pair of teeth bit hard into my shoulder, pain instantly shot all inside my body and soon I was slumped in the arms of who bit me. I stared up into the eyes of the snake man himself and soon my eyes rolled back into my head and I was out. The last thing I remember was his icy voice saying it was his sign of knowing I was his.


            I hissed in pain and shot up from me position as I felt the stinging in my shoulder grew hot and painful. A pair of soft hands rested on my arms and soon I calmed down and slowly looked up to see Itachi sitting right down next to me. Tears flooded my eyes and my head flung into his chest, the last time I cried was when I first met Itachi, and now I was doing it again.

“I am so sorry, I thought I out ran him but he……oh god Itachi!” I sobbed more into his chest

          He just pulled me closer to him and let me cry, his hands rubbed my back as he soothed me into calming down and relaxing. That took about ten minutes until I finally relaxed and just sniffed a lot as I cuddled into his chest. How could I have failed them? He bit me and knew I was going to be found by them! Wait a minute…….I did notice the weird behaviors of everyone that day! Sasuke was being distant from me and he even said sorry and wouldn’t tell me why as he ignored it!

      I shot up so fast that Itachi went falling to the ground “They planned this from day one; I should have known this was going to happen from the way they were acting! Your stupid brother didn’t even warn me when he knew this was going to happen!” I growled as I pace back and forth

 Just as I was about to speak again Pain walked in “You are done going back there, he knew we were waiting for you. He figured out it was a trap somehow, but we have a bigger problem.”

 “No, I am going back to finish what I started Pain! I will not give up on this and I don’t think he knows, I think he wanted to prove to me that he owns me and that this is his way of knowing I am not a traitor”

  Pain seemed to think this over before speaking “Fine, but as I was saying we have a bigger problem! I am sending you two on a mission to the hidden leaf village; follow a team that has the leader Kakashi. They have been trying to find you Itachi so I thought we should pay them a visit. Now, why is this a problem? There is a kid name Sai.

I Come From The Sand (Akatsuki fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now