The hotsprings

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HEY GUYS! So the chapters have been nothing but serious so I decided to make a short chpt with fun! and a little love! ENJOY XD this has nothing to do with what is going on so there will be NO spoilers! YAY now go read! LOVE YALL :) :{ ) 

(Did not proof read, sorry)

                     The hot springs

                (Before Rin goes off on the mission to Orochimaru’s)

                I packed a small bag of clothing into a backpack and flung it around my arm and took off out of the door to my bedroom. Pein told us he was paying for a hot springs hotel for us for a vacation, everyone was supposed to participate. Each of us would have our own room and dinner would be fit for a king. I wasn’t going to complain unlike Kakuzu because of money expenses.

                Itachi was standing by his door with his bag on his shoulder and my cloak in his hands, he helped me slide it on before we took off down the hall to Deidara’s. He and Tobi were yelling at each other once again, but when they noticed us, Tobi gave me a bine crushing hug.

“Tobi loves Rin, Tobi a goodbye!” He yelled as he pulled me on his back

I giggled and patted his head “Tobi needs to get laid”

                “Hidan wants to as well” I heard Hidan say from the living room we now entered

                Pain stood by the door with Konan by his side, they both talked about the rules and how everything would be followed or else and all that stuff I didn’t care to listen too. We all took off into a run, following the leader to the hot springs.


                The hotel was nice with gold color lining and small designs panted on the walls. My room was a double bed with red pillows and blankets, a small table with a black and gold lamp and a vase full of flowers. A dresser stood on the other side next to the bathroom door; I unpacked my stuff and left the room. Konan wanted me to meet her once I was finished.

                “Knock first!” she yelled at me when I barged through her door

I giggled as she covered herself up with paper and threw one at me “Please Konan, when will I knock?”

She rolled her eyes and flung a purple bathing suit at me “Put this on, we are going swimming then later tonight we will go into the hot springs”

                I pulled off my clothes and put on the suit that Konan gave me “Good thing we both have the same size breast”

                We giggled and then became serious as we walked out the door with towels wrapped around are body, we wanted to cover ourselves before showing the boys that we do have female parts under the cloaks. I found Itachi sitting in the shade with his cloak still on, he was a party pooper! Dei was sitting on the edge of the pool with his feet in while Tobi jumped in right next to him and soaking the blonde in the process.

                Kisame was swimming around while Hidan was soaking it up on a raft, Zetsu was no-where to be found along with Kakuzu and Pein was checking out Konan secretly as she pulled off her towel and walked over to him. She winked at me before turning to him, it was so cute. Sasori was sitting in the shade as well but he was staring me down as I pulled off my towel.

                The clothes I normally wore never showed off my well known curves like this bathing suite, my boobs looked like they would pop out just like the black one Konan was wearing. But sadly for the boys, they wouldn’t pop out.

                I waved at the wide eyes Itachi before pushing the complaining Deidara into the water and laughing. Tobi even laughed with me before he accidently pushed Hidan off his raft. “Hey Rin, looking pretty hot in that, want me to rub lotion on you?”

Hidan smirked as he walked up to me with sun screen “Oh Hidan, that is so sweet of you to ask but Konan and I promised we would put that on each other” I quickly grabbed the bottle out of his hand and walked off to Konan while swishing my hips

                Konan knew what I was up to; we both plotted this before we even got to the hotel. She took the bottle out of my hand and kneeled on the ground next to my now laying body. Konan then started to rub the lotion all over me while looking hot. It was hilarious watching the boys drool as we did this, I rub the lotion on her next and when I finished, Pein took Konan by the hand and led her inside. That naughty little nugget!

                I took the seat in the sun that was close to Sasori; he was finally sitting in the sun and was talking to me for a bit while I tanned it up. “Well I am going to swim for a few minutes then head back to my room, later”

                I left him and dived into the pool, I water fived Kisame as I swam past him and looked up to see Deidara’s legs. I pulled him under water and pulled myself up to the surface, sitting in the place he was at before I pulled him under. Deidara growled as he came back up stopped as he saw me smirking.

“Rin, you will pay” He hissed as he walked over to me

                He was about to tackle me in when Itachi came to my rescue and pulled me away just in time, Deidara fell into the water once again. “Come on Rin, let’s go in”

                Itachi wrapped his arm around me and led us into the hotel.


I moaned as the hot water hit my skin “Konan this water feels great!”

Konan giggled as she undid her towel and slowly walked into the hot water.

                We soaked for a half hour before we got interrupted by laughter on the guy’s side; they were talking about peeking over here. “You know, if they had any common sense, they would realize we can hear them”

I nodded at Konan and wrapped my towel around me as I got out with her “They will one day”

                We both took off to the other side to catch the guys in the act, the only ones who took place in peeking was Hidan, Deidara, Kisame and Tobi who was the loudest yelling about it. Konan decided to transform into pain, since he wasn’t with the group and I transformed into Konan.

                She pushed me to the ground quickly and hovered over me just in time, the idiots peeked over and each screamed. It took all our might not to laugh, but it was hard and we ended up turning back and laughing on the ground. Konan fell on top of me causing us to crack up even more, this gave the guys the opportunity to take another peek and BOOM! Nose bleeds came from the four and we heard a splash of the water.

“Well I guess they did get the peek they were after” I pointed out

Konan nodded and pulled me off the ground “Well, this will be the only time they see us naked! Let’s head back in”

                I laughed and agreed with her, that night I went to bed laughing at how stupid the men in this organization can be

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