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I come from the sand 12

                “Your mom was ten years older than me; she was twenty when she had you and I was there to see you born and watch you leave for protection. But we will get to that!”

I nodded and used my hand for him to continue “Um right, now since she was born fist, she got the full wolf power in her. I was born and did not get that gift of the two tail wolf but I didn’t want it anyways. Now once she controlled her wolf she was able to gain more power but she didn’t want that, she was more of the peace and was more of fighting. I never knew your father but I did later talk to your mother again after a while to know he was a nice man.

“He was a fighter, a pure blood wolf indeed and that there was a powerful bond. When she found out she was having you, she was so happy, I was too, knowing I had someone to protect. My sister left the leaf at fifteen with her lover, she adapted to the sand since that was where the guy was from. They day she was going to give birth to you she knew the clan she married in was going to be destroyed so she sent you off took me away and saved herself and a few other people and went into hiding making people think everyone was dead.

“That was when she ended up finding a new guy and had your half-brother and gave him up too. She never wanted a kid, she was too sad she had to give you up. We met to long after and kept in touch, she told me about you and that you were in an organization called the Akatsuki—which is good you know you no longer are in the group—and was on a dangerous mission with Orochimaru. Your mother has been watching you for a long time Rin, and when she told me you were at the hotel I was at, I put my team into gear and followed you.

“I didn’t expect you to be fast and to copy people, and I was disappointed in losing you. I wanted to introduce myself but you ended up kissing me and copying my power you brat. So we found you again and you got away…..you make me feel like a bad ninja but now here we are! Thanks to your mom knowing all about this situation, we watched from a far and let me tell you, you are very strong and powerful.”

                I sat there and took in all this information; it was a lot to take in. So my mother was related to the white fang and his son. She gave me up yet she could have kept me is she went into hiding, who would do something like that? “So what I don’t get is she gave me up knowing she was going into hiding! Why didn’t she take me with her?” I hissed

He shrugged his shoulders “I don’t know little wolf, but please come back with us. You belong in the leaf; lady fifth will understand you are not criminals anymore”

I laughed evilly and slapped Deidara’s shoulder “He thinks we are not criminals anymore! Ba ha! I have been one since I left with Itachi, I killed people and will never stop killing until my hands are soaked with enough blood of revenge to make me happy”

Deidara took my hand and patted my head with his well-known smirk “My wolf, let’s take the offer, but we can gamble and make a deal. We will live next to his house or far from civilians and we still keep are gear because giving it up will make us feel empty. You and I will train with each other so when we fight we can combine are attacks! I will help you kill Madara once and for all and then we can be happy as we kill other people for your need of blood.”

I giggled and nodded my head “Fine, we will do that if not then we walk “

                Kakashi nodded and told us to give him a few days and he will find out. Once he left I slowly stood up and pulled off my shirt and kept the fishnet on, I pulled on my cloak and gave Dei a smirk before taking his hand and walking off to the small house.

                I turned my head toward the trees far from us and smiled before turning my attention back to the house in front of us. When I was fighting Madara, I notice him holding back on me, he didn’t use his sharingan to its fullest potential. Then again I didn’t either, it was like he was testing me knowing I was going to come back and kill him for real next time in the future.

I Come From The Sand (Akatsuki fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now