20 Happy Ending?

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I come from the sand 20

(A/N btw, I just realized that Madara is really Obito so…..since this is MY fanfic and I am too lazy to go back and fix it, DEAL WITH IT : ) ok?)

     Things have taken the turn for the worst lately and it has caused this village hidden in the leaf to change in many ways.  Danzo has taken Lady Fifths spot when she fell into a slumber and he has been ruining the name of Hokage. But that was all going to change today, you see, it had been four months now. In those four months I trained, gained a few tricks up my sleeves only Kakashi knew about and was able to control the sharingan.

                Now here I was in my red boots, black shorts that had bandages on my thigh with some weapons. My once black vest was now gone and replaced with a red one that showed my stomach and had black trim around the hood and a small wolf paw on the back. My hair no longer reached the floor but went to my mid back and hung in a loose ponytail.

                I had a weapon pouch on my butt and my two swords hanging off on each of my hips, to complete my look I had my sand headband around my neck with the leaf one around my thigh and my akatsuki cloak hiding my outfit. My wolf mask was on top of my head, it wouldn’t cover my face until I took off for battle.  My new weapon was wrapped around my waist like a belt; it was three kunai for each hand with a long chain connecting them on each side.

                The time has come for my revenge on Sasuke, and it was driving me nuts just waiting for Madara and Deidara to show up. Kakashi and I went over the second plan we set while I was on this mission, and I was eager to set it in motion.

                My back was against the tree, the sun that was once out was replaced with clouds covering up the sky. Madara slowly came out of the trees with Deidara, Hidan, and Kisame following behind him. I smirked at my fellow teammates as they stood in front of me, with Madara now by my side. 

I slung my arms around Deidara’s neck and planted a sweet kiss on his lips before pulling away and hugging my fish friend. “Nice to see you guys again”

Hidan hugged me from behind and smacked my ass like he always did “You too bitch, been awhile”

                Madara explained the mission and what we had to do to get me inside the building with-out getting the attention of Sasuke and his team. He wanted me to teleport Deidara and me inside and from there on we would be on our own. Madara was going to take on team Kakashi while Hidan and Kisame worked on distracting the guards. We all nodded and took off, my mask now covering my face and ready for action.

                I stopped in my tracks when the building came into view, Deidara stopped behind me as the rest of the group left. Danzo was standing in front of the window, looking up into the sky before his attention turned to my location. It wasn’t hard to spot me when I wanted to be seen; he turned his attention back to the room as a large boom erupted from the front. Sasuke must have started a fight and I wanted to join it.

                I casted a jitsu making sure no-one could leave the room and took Deidara’s hand and teleported inside. We landed with a soft thud inside the base in front of a scared looking Karin, god I hated her! Knock the stupid bitch out!  I punched her face and smiled as she fell, out cold. Time to make myself known!

                I walked out and smiled as Gaara looked past Sasuke’s shoulder to look at me, making everyone in the room to turn their attention to me. Suigetsu waved at me while my brother nodded, Sasuke on the other hand looked pissed. My head turned to the guy getting his missing arm healed, he was asking for a death wish by calling me a bitch.

I Come From The Sand (Akatsuki fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now