Replaced (Part 1) - Chandler

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You and chandler have been dating in secret for months. No one knew about your relationship, but you guys and your family members. Not even your friends knew about you. You and chandler wanted to keep your relationship secret because he and Hana had just broken up less than a year ago, you both kinda thought that was a stupid reason, but you both really didn't need the hate. So secret.

Sadly chandler had to go back to work on the walking dead. Soon after you moved away, since your parent's job got relocated.

Of course you an chandler were heartbroken but you still skyped and texted.

Recently chandler just stopped contacting you all together, no texts, phone calls, nothing. You didn't know why so you decided to check his Instagram and ask, the two social medias he mostly goes on besides twitter, to see if he just got held up with the new season of the show or something.

What you saw hit you like a ton of bricks.

Everyone was asking if him and some Brianna girl were dating. Of course you were concerned because you thought, more like hoped, you were still dating.

You called chandler but of course, no answer. You had to figure out if all of these rumors were true. You quickly ran into the living room.

"Mom can I possibly go visit chandler tomorrow after school?" You asked impatiently, wanting to meet him at this very moment instead.

"Sweetie, I guess we could figure something out. Is it ok with chandlers parents?" She asked you.

Hadn't thought of that.

"Um ya they said it was fine..."You say more of like a question rather than an answer, but your mom didn't seem to notice.

"Ok well I suppose that's fine. Do you need a ride?"

"No thanks mom, I'll drive myself it's only an hour and a half drive. I wouldn't want to disturb you with your work." You say sweetly.

"Ok we'll I'm going to go to bed, me and your father have to get up early tomorrow for a conference. Love you!" Your mom said hugging you and walking back to your parents bedroom.


School dragged on and you couldn't wait till it was over.

The bell finally rang and you raced out of the classroom, not wanting to waste another minute.

Traffic wasn't too bad but you made it at a decent time to their house.

You got out of your car and knocked on the door.

"Y/N!?" Chandlers mom says opening the door to see you.

"Hi mrs riggs! Is chandler home?" You asked trying to look inside the house. Chandlers mom moved aside to let you in.

"Oh ya he's in his room but Y/N I have to tell you chandler's got-" you didn't get to hear the rest of what she said because you made your way to chandlers room rather quickly.

You let out a breath with your hand on the door handle.

This is it.

You thought. Your first time seeing, let alone speaking, to chandler for a while.

"Chan-" you begin to say but stop at the scene in front of you.

There he was your supposed boyfriend kissing another girl you guessed to be Brianna herself.

They immediately break apart noticing your appearance and chandler looks at you with wide eyes.

You make your way out of his house quicker than you thought, and drove all the way home without a second glance.

After all the I love you's and everything you've both been through, you would think he would at least tell you it was over, instead of finding out like this!

Your parents still weren't home from work yet when you got home, so you quickly made your way to your room an slammed your door shut. You lay on your bed tears going down your face.

You felt your phone buzz next to you and you picked it up to read...

Chandler 💕

Y/N I'm sorry you had to find out that way but... Were over I'm sorry. I really like Brianna and I don't think it was really working out between us anyways with the distance. We can still be friends ok?

You didn't even bother to answer.

Dumped in a text message...

You thought sighing. It was over.

It's been weeks since the incident and you still haven't replied to chandlers message and apparently he didn't care. His Instagram is filled with pictures of him and Brianna and you can't help but notice how happy he looks. You scrolled down to see a picture that caught your eye, and read the caption.

She makes me so happy.

Realization hit you and you realized, I've been...


Authors note

Hey peoples! I'm going to start writing chandler imagines because they always just come to me and I thought hey! Why not write them down? Sorry this one probs sucked but hey it's my first one. Hope you enjoyed!

Chandler Riggs and Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now