Falling For You - Chandler

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You and chandler have been best friends since the end of middle school, you've always thought of him as just a friend, but since the beginning of high school your feelings have changed to something bigger.

You don't think chandler likes you that way so you've never tried to make a move, well that and.... Her. Brianna Maphis. The girl everyone thinks chandler should go out with.

She's always doing things to make chandler stay away from you, he doesn't want to, you can clearly see that, but still she makes it happen.

She's rude and arrogant but nobody sees it but you, not even chandler your best friend.

Today was the day you were gonna admit your feelings to chandler, no matter what Brianna tried to pull.

It was just after 5th period, so it was lunch time. You got your lunch and made your way over to chandlers table. Brianna was there and was clearly flirting with chan. You rolled your eyes and continued on your way to his table.

"Hey chan do you think I can-" you started but all of a sudden you slipped on something and flung backwards, your tray of food landing all over you.

Everyone in the cafeteria started laughing, but not chandler.

You looked to see what you slipped on and saw none other than Brianna's jacket.

Hey, that wasn't there before...

You immediately catch on to what happened....

Brianna's jacket was right next to her on the floor, but not anywhere near where you were going to step. Somehow the jacket magically appeared right as you were about to ask chandler to speak in private. She must've slid the jacket with her foot over to where you were about to step, knowing you would slip in fall. Whatever it was you know it wasn't an accident.

"God Y/N you really have to start paying attention to where you walk,  don't want to make even more of a fool out of yourself than you already do, right?" Brianna says rudely to you, everyone's laughter just gets louder. You can feel the tears in your eyes start to stream down your face and you start sniffling, getting up from where you were.

All you could do was just look at chandler and just notice how he wasn't doing anything to stop this, or help you.

"How could you? Your supposed to be my best friend chandler." You say sobbing. Chandler opens his mouth to say something but Brianna stops him.

"Apparently you thought wrong Y/N chandler doesn't need people like you to hang around with." Brianna says chuckling.

People like you? What's that supposed to mean?

You didn't stick around to find out what happened next, because you grabbed your bag off the floor and ran out of that cafeteria.

You ran all the way home, tears still streaming down your face. You don't know how you made it home safe, you could barely see with the blurriness of your tears, but you did and that's all that mattered.

Time lapse

When you got home you immediately took a shower and threw your clothes in the washing machine. You cried the whole time you were in the shower, but soon stopped after a while.

Your mom tried comforting you and asking you what happened but you didn't answer, she left knowing you needed some space, which you appreciated greatly.

Chandlers POV

I saw exactly what happened to Y/N, it wasn't an accident at all. Brianna did it, I saw her. Why would she do that though? I was actually starting to like her.....


I get it now, every time Y/N tried to talk to me or ask to hang out Brianna did something to make me just get away from Y/N. She never let's me be around Y/N, she doesn't want us near each other. How could she be that way? I've been nothing but nice to her and so has Y/N.

So in the cafeteria here's how it went down....

I didn't see Y/N coming, so I didn't even get to tell her to watch out, or stop Brianna.

I looked down at the floor because I had dropped my fork, dumb I know but true.

Brianna turned her head and all of a sudden put her foot on her jacket, sliding it away from her. I looked up to see Y/N slipping on Brianna's jacket.

It tore me apart to see my best friend crying, and when Brianna said I didn't want to hang out with friends like her I was completely outraged. Y/N is my best friend and no one can change that. I wanted to tell her that but Y/N already ran out of the cafeteria, I would have ran after her, but my parents would kill me of I ditched school, even I it was for Y/N. I couldn't stand to see her like that, I felt like something inside of me crumble.... Oh my god, I think I may be falling for my best friend.

Normal POV

You heard a knock on your bedroom door and you figure it was just your mom again.

You hear it open and close, and feel a dip at the bottom of your bed. You lift your head up from your pillows, and look at the end of your bed to see none other than chandler. You're happy but also angry at him, your happy he's here for you, but mad he didn't stick up for you.

"What do you want chandler?" You say not knowing how your truly feeling.

"I wanted to come see you, see if you were ok. I feel terrible about what Brianna did to you, and don't worry I know it was her fault, I saw her slide over the jacket. Y/N I want you to know it hurt me inside to see you cry, and so sad and upset. I thought about it for a while and I know now that.... I like you, and I like you a lot. I guess I have for a while now, I was just so afraid to admit it, thinking you would reject me or not want to be my friend anymore, but I'm saying it now because I feel like I should."

You sat there, shocked at what chandler had just said. He liked you. He was sad that you were upset. No ones ever felt that way about you before. You smile and let out a small  laugh before tackling chandler in a hug, nearly knocking him off the bed.

You hold each other tight, not wanting to let go. After a while though you both let go and look into each other's eyes.

You feel yourself slowly leaning in and you see chandler doing the same.

Your lips connect in a sweet soft kiss, and butterflies erupt in your stomach, but of course the good ones. Your lips move in perfect sync with each other's and you couldn't be happier.

"Hey guys I brought some snacks! I didn't-"

You both break apart fast realizing someone just walked in on you two kissing.

You look over to see your mom in the doorway holding a tray of snacks. You blush a deep red, embarrassed of what just happened.

"Well... Ok then! You kids just continue in with what your doing and um, I'll just uh be in the kitchen." Your mom says smiling and quickly leaving the room. You can hear her chuckling in the hallway, and you turn your head towards chandler and you both crack up.

Everything was ok again. You got your best friend back, and now he's your boyfriend. You could say your day ended pretty well.

Authors note

Hello readers! And I just wanted to clarify really quick I DO NOT HATE BRIANNA!!! I just thought of this imagine and thought it would be good but I repeat I DO NOT HATE BRIANNA! Ok I just wanted to say thank you for all the reads and votes! I just wanted to announce I will now be making carl grimes imagine as we'll! Thanks again

Chandler Riggs and Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now