Fireworks - Chandler

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I suggest listening to 'Fourth of July' by Fall Out Boy, it doesn't have any connection to the story, it's just really good and matches the theme, I was listening to it while writing this so ya. enjoy : )

I sit and run my hands through the grass as I take in the smell of a campfire, it feels peaceful, like nothing else mattered in the world, I was just here in the moment, happy and care-free. Today was the fourth of July, the day America gained it's independence. I take a look around and notice all of my friends, best friends, having a great day, waiting for the fireworks to begin. We were all sitting in the backyard of my best friend, Chandler's, house. To be honest I've had the biggest crush on him for as long as I can remember, he just doesn't know that, and probably never will.

"Hey, Y/N will you mind helping me pass out these sparklers? It's gonna get dark soon, and I still have to go and help Mrs. Riggs get out all the food." I look up and see my girl best friend, Y/F/N, holding out sticks, which are apparently sparklers. I smile up at her.

"Of course, Y/F/N." She smiles and gives me half of the stack, before holding out her free hand and helping me up. We walk over to a bunch of kids by the fire pit and start handing out the sparklers, they thank us and we head over to the next batch of teens.

"Y/N, thank you so much for helping me with this, I know it's not that big of a deal but all help is appreciated." She smiles warmly at me and I do the same.

"There's really no need to thank me, but you're welcome." She nods and hands another kid I've seen around school a sparkler. Honestly I don't even know some of these kids, but I guess everyone wanted a big turnout.

"Hey, Y/F/N. Why are you doing all this work anyways? I mean it is sorta Chandler's party." I laugh litghtly and Y/F/N nods her head.

"Ya, I know, but it was my idea to throw it in the first place, and when I started talking to him about what he had planned, I realized he wasn't as good of a party planner as he is an actor." We laugh and I nod my head. "So, I stepped in as head planner, because you know I am known as a master for these sorta things"

"Ya, ya, whatever." I roll my eyes and smile as Y/F/N giggles. I look to my right and see Chandler and a couple of his friends come out of the house, I blush and look down. After all these years he still has this affect on me and we're not even dating. I look up and notice Y/F/N smirking at me.

"What!?" I say suddenly smiling really big as nothing had happened.

"You're so totally in love with him." my eyes widen and I back up a bit.

"W-what? That's totally crazy. Y/F/N. I am not in love with him!" She laughs and I look around to make sure no one if listening.

"Oh come on, Y/N! I've known you for how long? And I've known you've liked him for how long as well?"

"Ya well, that doesn't mean I'm in love with him, I've just liked him a lot for a really long time."

"Ya well if it makes you feel any better, I'm pretty sure he likes you too."

"Come on, Y/F/N, be serious, no he doesn't and probably never will."

"Hmm, I don't know, when a guy and a girl are best friends, it usually ends up leading to more." She smiles and pokes my side and I blush for the second time. "Oooo look! Here he comes! go get him tiger!" She turns me around as Chandler comes closer to me. Y/F/N holds onto my shoulders as he comes even closer before whispering.

"Rember, in love!" I turn my head over my shoulder and look at her.

"shut uuup" I sing song before Y/F/N shoves me forward a bit and I almost run right into Chandler. I look back and see she's already run off. I sigh before looking up and seeing my best friend looking down at me.

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