Valentine's Day - Chandler

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I sigh, happy with the outcome of my outfit. My red dress soft against my freshly washed body, my hair curled slightly as if to make waves, and my heels the perfect height.

Today is Valentine's Day, I used to not think much about the day, but now that I have my loving boyfriend, Chandler to spend it with, it's a great time of year, considering I can just have a whole day to spend time with my boyfriend, who is usually busy with his job.

Chandler said he had a surprise for me and to be ready and dressed in something fancy. I hope he's not taking me to some big fancy restaurant, he does so much for me already and I don't need him to be buying me stuff for my happiness. But he always insists.

Tonight is also when The Walking Dead comes back on for the rest of season six, I've been waiting for over a month for it to come back on, and even though Chandler Riggs, Carl Grimes himself, is my boyfriend, I still couldn't get any information. Chandler said we'd be back with plenty of time left to change and watch the episode together, so tonight seems to be filled with lots of fun and excitement.

I hurry to the door as I hear a knock and open it to see my, very handsome looking, boyfriend with the most beautiful red roses, matching perfectly with my dress.

His eyes widen as he looks me up and down.

"Y-Y/N you look.... Beautiful." He breathes out, I blush. "Here, these are for you." Chandler holds out the roses and I take them in my arms, giving them a big sniff, enjoying the magnificent scent.

"Thank you chandler, these are beautiful and  you look very handsome yourself." I smile and so does he.

"Shall we?" He asks, pointing at the car his parents allowed him to get since he got his license.

"Of course, one moment." I go to the kitchen and fill a vase with water before putting the roses in it and meeting chandler back at the door. I grab my purse and follow chandler out the door, my hand in his. He opens the car door for me before jogging back over to the driver's side, starting the car.

"So, where are we going?" I ask turning my head after I buckle my seatbelt.

"Well if I tell you that it wouldn't be much of a surprise now would it, princess?" The clasp on his seatbelt buckle clicks and he smirks as he turns back to face the wheel, knowing that I realize he isn't going to tell me anything about what he has planned tonight. I sigh, but smile knowing I had to at least try.

Chandler drives for a while until he stops the car in the parking lot of a well-known, fancy, and expensive restaurant. There's no way we can have dinner here. I've heard about this place, great service and food, but outrageous prices.

Chandler hurries out of the car and comes over to open my door for me. I step out and look at him.

"Chandler, I-I can't allow you to take me here, I'm very grateful that you have but this place is too expensive." He closes the door and takes my hand.

"Actually, you can. I want to take you here, I love you and think you deserve every penny. You can't stop me either, I'll carry you if I have to."  He looks over at me and I just roll my eyes playfully. I stop walking and Chandler does too.

"I love you too, Chandler." I tilt my head up and plant a sweet kiss on his lips.

"First kiss of hopefully many tonight." He smirks as we continue to make our way to the entrance of the restaurant.

"Watch it, Riggs." He laughs at that and so do I before we quickly stop, entering the building. I look around at the beautifully decorated restaurant, admiring the warm and loving feeling the room gives off. I smile and look at chandler who starts to talk to the hostess.

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