Passing Notes (Part 2) - Chandler

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Your POV

You freeze in your spot as chandler stands in front of you with the note in his hand.

"U-u-uh y-ya" you stutter, shocked chandler was talking to you.

He chuckles and takes your hand putting the paper in it.

"I did read it if you were wondering.... And if I had to choose who to kiss in the class.... It would be Y/N" he says smiling.

You don't process that he said your name right away so you look kind of sad.

"Oh" you say glumly but then realization hit you.

"Oh!" You say happily.

He chuckles and turns around heading back down the hall, he calls over his shoulder...

"I wouldn't throw away that paper if I were you, it could have some very important information." He continues to walk down the hall as you look down questioningly at the paper in your hand. You open it up to read what it says....

Call me later and maybe we can make that kiss happen ;)

You look down in the corner of the paper to see his number. You lightly squeal with excitement your smile never leaving your face.

You called chandler later that day and he asked you out, and when you went on a date you finally got that kiss you've been waiting for, for years.

Authors note

Btw If you haven't noticed this little two part imagine was based off 16 candles it's a great movie but obviously I changed what the note send and how it ended :) hope you enjoyed!

Chandler Riggs and Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now