Really important A/N please read!

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hey guys as you may know i recently updated my request form chapter to say that requests are closed and to not comment any requests because i sometimes dont see it and need it private messaged to me here on wattpad, but people are still commenting

please everyone know that

1. requests are currently closed


2. do not comment imagine requests on that chapter! when requests are open please private message me here on wattpad, DO NOT COMMENT

I'm not currently taking requests because I already have some promised imagines i need to write so please don't comment or request any right now until that chapter title says 'Requests Open'


im going to be cleaning up the book at times, so if you see an update of an older Imagine just know i corrected grammar/spelling mistakes that were there, or I changed the title layout but yeah thats all im doing so dont get freaked out and think im uploading like 30 different new imagines at once lol

ok thats all for now

follow me on here if you like :)

ily all and hope you have/had a great day

Chandler Riggs and Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now