Stabbed - Carl

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I'm running as fast as I can, my lungs feel like they're about to collapse, I cant stop though, no not even for a second. I focus on the back of Ron's head as a wolf chases us. I don't know how they got in, but I can't really think about it now. All I did was go outside to take a walk, and now my life is being threatened.... fantastic.

I see the house, my house, the one I share with Rick, Carl, and others from the group. I'm scared, of course I've always been since all this started, the apocalypse I mean, but this is different. We just found Alexandria not to long ago, we've been safe, as safe as you can be anyways, I don't want to die and just lose this, this place we've worked so hard to get to.

I tilt my head a bit so I can see more than just Ron's head. The door to the house is being opened and I see Carl, my boyfriend, and Enid walk out, Carl has a gun.

"Carl! Hur-" I'm cut off short by a stabbing feeling in my stomach, I look down and I see what's happened.... I've been stabbed. I sink to the ground, blood now covering my hands, which I've placed over the wound. I hear shots and a figure falls next to me.

"Y/N! oh my god" Carl runs towards me, the gun dropping at his side as he drops to his knees.

"No, no, no, no! Your gonna be ok, Y/N. I promise. Ron! Enid!" They come at Carl's call and their mouths open as they see me, bloody hands and all. "Ron, get the gun, Enid go clear the kitchen counter." They both break for it, doing what carl has asked them of. Carl picks me up bridal style and I lean my head onto his broad shoulder, feeling the tears that I didn't even know started, soak his flannel. The pain is almost unbearable and I just want it to end. I feel every step Carl makes up the porch step, each one sending a vibration to my stomach, making the pain even worse.

Enid backs away from the counter as Carl lays me down, Ron comes in as Carl grabs a towel and places It on my stomach, adding pressure to hopefully try and stop the bleeding. I feel my breathing starting to become ragged, this can't be good.


"No, don't talk, it might make it worse. Everything's going to be ok, princess. Don't worry." Carl strokes my cheek, warm tears falling from his eyes and landing on my paling cheek. "Ron, where's Enid?" I turn my head and do notice Enid's absence. Where could she be?

"I don't know, but I'm going to look for her." Ron starts to head for the door but carl quickly goes after him.

"No, Ron. You can't. You might get hurt and Y/N is already injured, I need your help, You-"

"stop! Carl, Enid is my girlfriend, not yours. It's not your decision on what I can and can't do for her. Take care of your own girlfriend." Ron looks at me from where he's standing. "I'm sorry." I nod my head at him, knowing he's right. Enid is his girlfriend, someone he cares about, he has to go. Carl would do the same, I'm sure of it. Ron means no harm. He leaves and Carl sighs before locking the door after him and hurrying back to my side.

I place my hands at my sides, feeling the now blood covered counter. I'm losing a lot. I'm going to die, carl can't do anything, he's not trained to, and we probably won't see the others for a while, considering we're being attacked.

Carl paces around the kitchen and hallway, trying to find something to help me.

"Carl" I croak out. "stop, please. Just come here" He stops and makes his way back.

"I'm not going to let you die, I won't let you die, p-please just stay with me, I need you, I can't lose you Y/N, I love you too much." more tears start to fall from Carl's eyes as he places his head in his arms, his face now hidden.

I move my blood covered hand and place it on Carl's head.

"Hey, hey. Look at me, everything is going to be okay. I may not make it but you will Carl Grimes. You will beat this world because you are strong, and you are brave, and I believe in you because I love you and know you can do it."

"p-please.' Carl lifts his head and my hand goes down to his cheek, I give him a weak smile.

"Don't forget me ok?"

"N-never, I will always love you" He stands up and swiftly lifts me up to embrace me in a hug. I feel my eyes start to droop and I know I have little time left to spend with the love of my life. I try to wrap my arms around Carl, they may be weak but I can do this one last time, I hug Carl back with everything I can.

I want Carl to be the last thing I remember in this, the last thing I feel, touch, and.... taste.


"Yes, princess?" he pulls out of the hug slightly, to look at me clearly.

"K-kiss me, I want you to be the last thing I remember." He smiles weakly but genuine, a tear goes down his cheek before he leans down and plants his sweet soft lips on mine, leaning me back onto the counter as he kisses me. My eyes feel heavy, I can't hold on much longer. I start to fall back, not being able to hold on anymore. Carl catches me before my head hits the marble counter top. I broke the kiss as I started to fall but that's ok, I'm ready. my eyes close and I feel my final breath coming.

"I l-love y-you Carl." The last breath of air I have left, escapes me. My last words will always be the ones I'll remember most of all.

Author's note

omg so im writing this in study hall and im trying not to cry myself, didn't realize it would be so emotional lol. hope everyone had a good day. remember if you want to request an imagine all the information ill need to know is on the chapter 'request form'. ily babes xxx

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