Birthday - Carl

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Today was your birthday and you were just going to go through it like any normal day. You never wanted people to make a big deal out of your birthday, because to you it was just another day.

You're sitting in yours and carls room in your house in Alexandria. You looked outside the window and saw carl coming to the house. You smiled, seeing your boyfriend come back from a run, safe and sound.

You quickly brushed through your hair again. Wanting to look presentable.

You hear a knock at the door and set the brush down, walking towards the door.

"Hey Grimes." You say opening the door to see carl.

"Hey Y/L/N" he said smirking.

What's he up to?

You thought. You looked and saw carl holding something behind his back. You look at him questioningly, but just shrug it off.

"So I heard today was someone's special day!" He says excited.

"Ooo! Did carol make more cookies!?" You ask excited. You loved when carol made cookies, they are the best.

"Sadly, no. It's your birthday silly!"  He says.

"Who told you?" You ask, knowing you hadn't told anybody.

"Oh last night while you were sleeping you were talking in your sleep about it being your birthday, and getting a really big cake." He chuckles, and you blush remembering you did have a dream about that.

"So happy birthday Y/N!" He yells. You roll your eyes and giggle at his excitement.

"Well thank you carl." You say smiling. He leans in and gives you a lingering kiss. You blush at how you still feel sparks when you kiss him.

"Here I got you this." Carl brings his hands out from his back and gives you something wrapped in paper.

"Aww thank you carl, you didn't have to." You blush at how cute your boyfriend was being. Carl walks past you and plops on the bed bouncing back up and landing on his back.

"Ah but I did" he says smirking. You chuckle and shut the door, walking over towards carl sitting beside him.

You unwrap the paper to reveal a small box.

Carl gets up ad sits next to you, waiting for your reaction.

You open the box to reveal a chain with the letter C attached to it.... A necklace.

You take it out of the box and hold it up, admiring it.

"C for carl." You say quietly.

"Yep, it's so you'll always have me near, no matter what." He says blushing a bit himself.

"Here let me put it on you." He says taking the necklace from you hands.

You turn around and lift up your hair, allowing carl to put the necklace around your neck, clasping it together.

You let your hair fall back down and turn towards carl.

"Thank you carl I love it so much." You say smiling.

"Your welcome, anything for you."

"I have to ask though, how did you get this?" You ask curious as to wear he got it.

"Oh I made it. I found a chain in one of the drawers, and while I was on the run we just came back from, I found the C. I thought of you and how it was your birthday and made it."

"That's really nice of you carl thank you, I'll always wear it, and I'll think of you when I see it." You smile.

He leans in an connects your lips with his, moving in perfect sync. You stay like that for a while but pull apart, you both needing to breathe.

"Best birthday ever." You say giggling.

"Good I'm glad, now come on there actually is cookies." He says chuckling.

"Race ya!" You yell running out of the room.

"Hey no fair! Save me one!" You hear carl yell down the hall. You just laugh and continue on your way.

Authors note

OMG season six tonight! Actually starts in a couple minutes for me!
I made this imagine because of the season premiere and because it's my birthday tomorrow! Yay. We'll hope you enjoyed and enjoy the episode!

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