FaceTime Confession - Chandler

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Creds to Amandaday1019 for the amazing ideas and always commenting, voting and just all together being sweet ily <3 : )

I let out a big huff as I roll over in my bed and grab my phone from my desk. I press the home button and I squint my eyes as they try to adjust from the bright light that comes pouring from my screen. I look up at the time and see its two-thirty in the morning. I let out an almost silent groan, as trying not to wake my other family members, and place my arm over my head.

I've been trying to go to sleep for the past two hours. I fell asleep at my normal time but then had to get up to go to the bathroom at like twelve-thirty and I just couldn't go back to sleep. Stupid bladder.

I unlock my phone and decide that maybe looking through social media will help me fall asleep. I log onto twitter and scroll through my feed before I land on a certain tweet made by my best friend, who I just happen to have a crush on.

@ Chandlerriggs:

Having trouble sleeping tonight, anyone still awake? : (

I check the time that has passed since the tweet was sent and it says it's only been a half hour. I see Chandler hasn't tweeted anything since then so I don't know if he's still awake, but I guess I could find out.

I exit out of Twitter and go into my messages instead and click on my previous messages to my best friend, Chandler Riggs.

Y/N : Hey chan, r u still up??

Chan <3 : Ya, can't sleep what r u doing up?

Y/N : can't sleep either : (

Chan <3 : Awh that sucks, so what are you doing to pass the time?

Before I get a chance to reply a call starts coming in and I realize it's a FaceTime request from Chandler. I smile before I except it, momentarily forgetting I probably look a bear straight out of hibernation. Oh well.

The call connects and I'm confronted with a very sleepy yet adorable looking Chandler Riggs. I giggle and he smiles before I realize I should probably grab a pair of earbuds so I can hear Chandler more clearly, and I lower the chances of my family waking up.

I quickly unwrap the blanket from around my body and sort of feel my way through my room before finding my earbuds and plugging them into my phone. I lay flat on my stomach on my bed and I look to see Chandler doing the same. Dork.

"So, Chan,, you look pretty tired are you sure you can't sleep" I whisper. I'd feel bad if I woke him up with my text message.

"Ya I'm sure, I've been trying for a while I mean I feel a little tired but every time I close my eyes I just can't seem to fall asleep." He whispers back. I'm assuming this is how we'll both talk for the whole conversation.

"I'm sorry, Chandler. Don't you have the photoshoot tomorrow too?" He smiles and chuckles while shaking his head.

"Ya, and I'm gonna piss them off so much because I won't be able to keep my eyes open, oh well." He rolls his eyes and I giggle. "And hey, don't apologize it's not your fault the universe doesn't want me to sleep tonight, but maybe that's a good thing because I get to see and talk to my beautiful best friend, even if she does look like she got mauled by a raccoon before answering my call." I can tell Chandler's trying not to bust out laughing and no matter how hard I'm trying to be mad at him, I can't help but feel the same way.

"Ya whatever, Riggs. You're not lookin' too hot yourself."

"Ugh whatever, I look fabulous every day, what are you talkin' about, girl." Chan says sassily before throwing his head back and flicking his hair. I let out a small laugh and stay quiet for a minute to see if I woke anyone up, which luckily, I didn't.

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