Carl Imagine (Requested)

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If you would like to read this imagine in your POV, just change Deane to your name : )

(Sorry of you get a little sad from this I mentioned something that should have happened)

Deane's POV

"That was great guys! We got a whole ton of stuff that we needed. See you later, yeah?" I give Daryl, Rick, and Glenn high fives as we walk back into the gates of Alexandria. That was one of our best runs all week!

"Yeah, later short stack." Daryl says, smirking afterwards, knowing how much I hate people making fun of me for being short. I glare at him and stomp my foot.

"I told you to stop calling me that!"

"Yeah, whatever, later." He turns around and starts to walk away. "Short stack." He whispers.

"ugh" I groan in annoyance, but end up just laughing it off, knowing I'll never win that battle.

"Ya, I'll catch you at dinner okay?" Glenn nods at me and I nod back.

"Okay, see you then."  He walks off and I turn around towards Rick, ready to tell him something important.

"Hey, Rick?"

"Ya, Deane? What's wrong, you okay?" I smile and continue on with my question.

"Can you like not mention this to, Carl? He didn't want me going on any runs with what's been happening around Alexandria and stuff, and if he found out he'd probably flip out, so secret please?" Rick chuckles but shakes his head.

"Okay, sounds like a plan, but you do know you're safe with us right? You're family to us Deane and we'd never let anything happen to you, inside these walls or out, you know that right?" He places a hand on my shoulder and looks at me sincerely. I smile warmly and look up at him.

"Of course, I know I'll always be safe with you guys, Carl's just over protective I guess." We laugh and I turn around as Rick wraps his arm around my shoulder and we make our way to the supply shack, ready to sort out all of the useful things we've gotten.


I plop myself down on a kitchen stool a reach my hand out for a potato and start peeling it with a knife.

Everyone's basically coming over for a big community dinner tonight, after everything we've been through Rick thought it would be a good idea and everyone else agreed, which is nice.

I'm helping Maggie and Carol cook dinner while everyone else helps set out a big table outside, and grabs whatever else ingredients we need, when we need them.

I pull back the knife and cut another slice of peel on the potato when I let out a yelp. I look down at my finger and noticed I cut it.

Maggie and Carol look up at me with concern.

"Sweat pea, are you okay?" Maggie walks over while Carol wipes her hands off on a towel and soon follows.

I hold onto my pointer finger and some blood comes out. I'm not phased at all by the red substance, having seen so much of it already.

"Ya, I'm okay. I'll just be right back, you probably want to throw out that potato though, may have some blood on it." I laugh and the two women let out small ones as well, still looking concerned.

"I'm okay you guys, really. I'll just be right back." They both smile, still looking unsure, but shrug it off anyway.

I hurry up the stairs and flick the light on in the bathroom. I turn on the water and stick my finger under the tap, letting the blood go down the drain.

Chandler Riggs and Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now