Chapter 20

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Hiba's POV

It had been a good ending to what i thought would be dreadful and tragic.. Alhamdulilah my parents chose to leave the option of marriage on me and not force me due to other family influences or any other such thing.. Alhamdulilah Alhamdulilah.. Cannot thank Allah enough for His blessings. I was about to drift to sleep with all such happy thoughts when a loud knock on my door startled me to sit upright. This can be no one other than Rahim Bhai.. And to approve it right...
"Hiba open the door, we need to talk." He was a little louder than usual.
"Coming Bhai coming" i made my way towards the door. Only to open it to see a fuming Rahim Bhai staring me. I looked at him confused. He just moved me aside and walked in straight and placed himself on my bed with crossed legs.
"Is everything okay Bhai.?"
And as an answer i just got a look that asked me to keep quite and just wait for him to speak up.
After complete ten minutes. He broke the uncomfortable silence.
"Hiba, what i am gonna ask you now,,please be truthful to it." He said and i nodded for him to continue. "Is there anything you are supposed to tell us or inform us but didnot tell.?" He asked and i looked at him confused. He continued "i know you are not the one who hide things from family, but just in case you happened to.... And you know must have forgotten to inform us somethings...." He said.
And i just gav him a confused look.. " what do you exactly want me to tell you Bhai.?" I asked.
"Is there someone you like or love and see as a marriage prospect.?" He asked in one breathe. So fast that i couldn't comprehened what he had asked for a few seconds.. And when it got to my brain it hit me like a lightning. Me?? A marriage prospect?? Love??
" wh....what are you talking about Bhai?" I asked in utter shock.
" forget it." He said and was about to stand up when i held his hand and motioned him to sit down.
"It's no nothing Bhai. Temme what's going on? Me?? Love?? Marriage prospect?? What is all this? Has any of this gotta do anything with phuppu and Ahmed Bhai?" Trying to be as calm as possible but it was evident in my voice that i wasn't normal nor was i calm. He didnot reply and just looked at the floor.
"Bhai, answer me.! Did something happen? Did phuppi tell you something? Did Ahmed bhai?" I bombarded him with questions. And he just looked in my eyes.
"When Dad informed phuppi and Ahmed about your decision for the proposal, phuppu just stood up and decided to walk out. Dad, mom and everybody else tried convincing them but they didnot budge." He informed me taking a sigh. I kept quite letring him continue. "And then when they were nearing the gate Ahmed turned back looking at Hamza & asked dad, if it was only islamic reasons that you denied to marry him or was there something else cooking in your a boyfriend or something." He said looking at me with a questioning look. I just stared at him blank realising there was much to it. "Before we could realise what he meant by it other phuppus and cousins started talking of you and Hamza seeing eachother." He paused to look at me and i stayed silent." is there anything going on Hiba?" I just stared at him not believing his words.. His question. He jusy sat there waiting for my answer.

And me.? I dunno where i was? What was i doing? What did i just hear? What is all this?
I was not able to get to things, when i felt like the earth was shaking hard and i was being moved front and back.

Right then i felt a hard surface meet my face with great pressure. "Hiba.! Hiba.! Just listen to me. Breath.. Breath Hiba.!" He ordered and i just looked at him and did what he said. After a few minutes of long breaths i realized what was going on and why we were sitting here.
"Look Hiba i know you are not that type of a girl. I trust you with shut eyes and so does mom and dad. But the way our relatives are talking about it. Doesnt seem too good. You remember? In the evening me and Ahmed were walking in the garden before we approached you. Then, Ahmed was talking to me about seeing you and Hamza together at many instances at the uni. I had brushed him off then saying that it may have been a coincident and that you guys are always accompanied by Jannet. However, i never knew this could get this serious." He completed with a sigh, placing his head between his hands .
"Bhai..wh...what donyou think about all this?" I asked fidgeting with my fingers. With teary eyes.

"You are my little sister Hiba. I know completely what kind of a person you are. And neither me nor dad or mom believe to what Ahmed said or what anybody says. And me asking you this question doesn't mean we have a doubt about it. You know our society. Ill words for somebody spread like a fire im the forest. Before we say or do anything to anyone i want to b sure of what your perspective is, about all this." He replied waiting for my answer.

"I.. I dont know Bhai.. I never knew my decision to this proposal would turn out this way. But, wallah i never landed an eye on any non mehrum. Not even my professors at the uni for that matter. You know that.. Dont you?" I asked and he nodded an understanding yes. "As far as Hamza is related, i hardly know his looks. Some how it aoy happened that we landed as partners for a project. That was the only time we were together without Jannet around. And that was in the library, so there were definitely people around there." I said taking a sigh. "I have never thought about any man for marriage Bhai. I didn't even think of marriage as a matter of fact. Hamza is a great person. By what i know about him until now is that he is a gud human being, a practicing muslim, a man who respects his religion and fellow muslims, a man of his words and also the one who respects women. He is a great friend, a helpernd always has upper hand in being humble towards people below him." I explained smiling with teary eyes. "He is as good as his father, Bhai. But i dunno what effect will all this mess leave on him amd his father. They have hardly spent a month or two here and all this happens." I complete with a sigh and looked up to meet Bhai's amused eyes.
"Don't worry about it Hiba. Inshallahutalah everything will be fine. Am glad to hear it from you that we don't need to worry about anything our relatives are talking about Alhamdulilah. The talks will soon die down. MashaAllah you are sensible and very well aware of what is to be done. Just be careful of your actions and donot over think and stress yourself." He said smiling at me. And i smiled back nodding my head.

He walked up to the door before patting my head asking me to take care. As i saw him opening the door he was halfway out when he turned back and said..
"Loving someone amd being loved back is a great fwwling Hiba. You can surely fall in love but be sure to do it in the halal way." He said winking at me with a smirk,i gave him a nod smiling at his words.

I couldn't thank Allah enough for this person in my life. How he could have a talk wimme on such a serious topic and just end it up with a smirk on his face and a smile on mine.

I lay in bed thanking Allah for all the blessings in life. Amd with todays events stored at the back of my head..wishing they would end up soon inshallahutalah..

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