Chapter 2

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Assalamualaikum warehmatullahi wabrakatahu.. I hope you guys are doing well Alhamdulilah..i Planned of updating the story every friday but this comes as an eid gift and as am very much intrested in reading wattpad books i thought updating them soon would be a great idea to.. so here we go with the next chapter.


Hamza's POV

All i could see was darkness and all i could feel was wet all over. and then it gradually faded the feel the breathe and everything.

As I forced my eyes to open against the bright sunlight i felt somebody shaking me very hard and pressing my chest harder. I spit out water just to see that it was Yahiya my brother in law. As i struggled to sit back he held me tight and brought me into a hug. As i tried to look up there were a lot of people surrounding me. And amongst them stood my sister Safia and her daughter Sarah. Both had tears in their eyes. I got up to much of Safia's releif.

"what do you think you were doing out there?" Safia asked with anger in her eyes.

"I-I dunno I just wanted to ummh...."

she cut me off saying "Dont you dare try anything like that again, u understand?"

I nodded.Sarah was scared, i held my five year old neice in my arms and hugged her saying i was fine and nothing was wrong. She smiled instantly. I loved her smile and how it matched to that of my mumma. I out her down grabbed my backpack wen Yahiya grabbed my wrist. He Motioned me to follow him and i did.

After we were a little far from the crowd and ther was some peace in the air. I sat facing the sea. How beautiful it looked when the sun set. How calm and serene it was how simply beautiful. I was forced to come out of my thoughts when Yahiya handed me a chocolate bar. Before he was married to my sister he was my friend, my brother. We met up daily at masjid and became friends and it got stronger and deeper by the time. The person who knew me well after my mumma was Yahiya. I shared everything with him and he had solutions to most of my problems. He was the most patient and understanding guy i had ever met og my generation.

"Everything happens for a reason Hamza" Yahiya said.

I nodded realising where this conversation was going.

He continued. " I completely understand your situation bro. And I know how difficult it is to suddenly go to a place you've never been and get used to it. Dont just refuse the thing because somebody is forcing you to do it. Just think about it calmly and think of your dad as well think about why he wants you to do it, why is he forcing you so much, why is it that he so badly wants you to know what his place is like. You never know what destiny holds for you Hamza only Allah knows. And He the Almighty never does anything thats wrong for His believers. We are seeing the situation from our point of you but allah is seeing it from all over just trust Him(Allah), think about what your father wants peacefully and then decide."

I nodded feeeling a little better that i can really think about it and then decide wether i should go or not. Why didnt i think of it. With all his Yahiya sat beside me both of us just viewing at thee scene in front of us the calm sea, the soft air and the setting sun. I dint realise when Yahiya had left by my side i was so deeply into the peace of the view infront of me.

As it was getting darker I recalled a lot of things how i saw my mother breath her last on the bed. How she held my hand and had said me 'Always listen to your dad and follow wat he says, He will always choose the best for you'. At the recall of that moment in my mind I blinked a hundred times to realise i was still on the beach and it was getting late. I had missed my Asr prayers. I rushed back home. 

As I opened the door before it could even open properly my dad threw himself on me and brought me in a hug. He hugged my tight and brought the life out me..Never in years had my dad hugged me so tight. I hugged him back. He pulled out and I saw in his eyes what i never expected.

He was crying he had tears in his eyes and fear..before i could open my mouth to ask what the matter was..

"Am sorry Beta(son) am sorry I wont force you to do anything. You are free to do what you want just dont leave me. Safia ringed me up and said me what happened at the beach. Promise me beta promise me you will never do any such thing again. Promise me."

Before i could open my mouth and say I do promise dad he pullled me again to his chest and sobbed. I realised how important i was for him. He was scared of loosing me. And that He had gone so emotional and left alone after my Mumma passed away.i pulled back from his hug, held is shoulders and 

"I will do as you want dad, I will never leave you all i have in this world now is you, I love you dad"

this brightened my dad's face and for a moment i was proud of myself for making my dad smile. I then said..

"Am ready to go to your place dad, I will do my MBA where you want me to."

This made my dad smile even broader and he hugged me back "thankyou beta thankyou" is all he could mumble between his heavy breathes.


This is it.I will be leaving in a week for my dad's native place thankfully dad is accompanying me. We've got loads of pending works to be done before leaving and also say goodbyes to everyone here. Okay INDIA here I come.


hey guys.! hoe was the chapter? i hope you guys like it..Please do vote comment and share..And also help me improve if there were any mistakes..Love you all..Keep encouraging me to write more gusy..Allah bless you all.. :-*

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