Chapter 9

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Hiba's POV

I dunno what was with this guy. The complete one hour passed by and i could feel his eyes on me all the time. Ya Allah.!!!

The ringing bell gave us the sign that the class for over and thank Allah i could get out of this mess, have this boy from stop staring me. I packed my stuffs and rushed towards the door when Ms. Veena's voice stopped me...

"Hiba you are to show this young man around the campus dear." she reminded.i turned to look at her..

"ummhh.. yess maam..uh.. it just went outa ma mind..sure i will show him around." i said lowering my gaze as he "The Mr.Starer" got closer to us joining in the onversation.

"umhh..Mam..thankyou...but there is really no need i can get around and get to know things on my own" he said politely to Ms.Veena mam.. Thank Allah. I thanked Allah in my head and was about to turn around and walk my own way when Ms.Veena spoke up...

"That's so sweet of you dear.. but its our duty..isnt it Hiba.?" she asked smiling. I had no option but to give in..

"umhh..uh..yess mam.."i smiled at her smacking my face mentally.i could have made an excuse, i could have said theres something i need to do and rush back home but here i was... Ya Allah help me.


I have this guy walking behind for like an hour now and thankfully he didnot speak a word making it easier for me. We've been doing the rounds of the university in silence. I've showed him all the important places like the Principal's office, the Library, the auditorium, the placement cell, the cultural activity cell, the locker's room and i guess thats pretty much all. 

While i was ticking the list i made mentally i heard a voice behind me..

"ummhh..thankyou..but..uh..dont you have a cafeteria like thing in the uni.?" he asked almost whispering.

oh Allah.! it totally went outa ma mind. "umhh..we do have one at the basement.lemme show you there." i said without turning around.

He followed me to the cafeteria. we entered i found an empty table and sat down. i kept my gaze lowered as there were a lot of males in here. He "the starer" i suppose came and placed his stuffs on the table and made himself comfortable in the opposite chair. As soon as he sat down i stood up.. I didnt want to make this even more embarassing and moreover we are not supposed to sit alone with a non mehram coz shaitan and his provocations are always behind us. I didnot want this to send me to jahannam.

I swiftly walked towards the lady at the vegetarian counter and ordered an extra cheese pizza.  As i was waiting for my order, i could here somebody shouting their lungs out. I head snapped into the direction of the sound.

There was a guy whose back was facing towards me shouting at a girl standing opposite to him.I shouldnt be eaves dropping but the girl seemed really helpless. She was wet in tears and her face gone pale of crying. There were like hundreds of people in the cafeteria, couldnt they help her out..Godhh.!! India can never stand up for the right. i thought as i concentrated on hearing what the mess was all about.

"I've seen you with that guy.! Dont you dare deny me.!!" the guy yelled at the girl.

"I swear..i...i just...walked the library" the girl replied between sobs.

"How dare you answer me back?!!!" the boy yelled back in a very loud voice as his hand was high about to land on the girl's face.

Here it was i could'nt let this happen. "Be the change you wish to see" i Remembered the quote and if no one else could then i would help the girl i i rushed towards them.

"ummhh..uh..excuse me?" i said feeling a little nervous standing between the girl and the guy but not very close. His hand went down to his side.

"yes.!! what do you want.?" he asked angrily.i smiled slyly not looking up.

"Am sorry to disturb your important conversation she your sister.?"i asked gathering all my courage.

"Sister.???!!!" He asked shocked."No.!!! But what has it got to do with you?" He shouted louder. I jumped inside at his loud outrage but i stayed strong.i dunno what i was getting myself into but i had to do this.

"Then..umhh...she is your girlfriend.?" i said more like a question.I didnot get any reply so i continued "Do you love her brother?" i asked hopeful to get a reply and i did get one..

"Yess!! She is my girlfriend "MINE". And i Love her so now you miss, get away and get your nose away to poke into somebody else's matter." He said angrily facing directly towards me causing shivers in my body.

The whole time i had my face lowered but now was the time i turned towards the girl looked up at her and "dear sister he doesnt love you and is having you beside him just to show off that he can have a beautiful girlfriend as you. please do not get fooled. And you would ask me a proof for what i am saying then here you saw it yourself. If he actually loved you he would not have embarrassed you in front of hundreds of see." i said her motioning around the cafeteria. "You are really beautiful my dear and you dont deserve this.I suggest you be patient and find your right partner" i finished. I dont know where this all came from but i said her everything that came in my head at that time. I smiled at her. She was about to smile too when her eyes went wide looking behind me i guess looking at the guy behind me.

I slowly turned my head to the other side to discover what was so shocking when i realised the guy's hand was up again to land on somebody's cheek. But that somebody was me this time.. I closed my eyes praying Allah to forgive me that a non mehram would touch me. Astagfirullah Astagfirullah Astagfirullah i recited in my head waiting for the impact, but it never came. I opened my eyes and saw "Mr.starer" standing infront of me his back towards me and the guys's hand had landed on "Mr.Starer's" face. my eyes went wide in shock.

It took me a moment to get things down that "Mr.Starer" got himself hit by the stranger. what.?? really?? like why.?? whats going on...


Assalamualaikum guys.!

How are you all.? Hope this finds you in great health.

I know that i am really very very very late in updating. But am really soryy first the wifi router at ma place refused to work for a week and we were left without connection for a week..can you imagine FOR A WEEK.!!! Goddhhh.!! Alhamdulilah we got it now.

And then i have my exams scheduled this week.!! Allah help me in them..

so yeah i was pretty musch helpless and busy and am really sorry for not keeping ma promise..


Inshallahutalah i will update regularly here on Inshallahutalah Inshallahutalah.

Pray for me guys and yourself as well. :-)

May Allah keep you & your families all in great health.


Todays message is "PRIDE"

The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Whoever has pride in his heart equal to the weight of a mustard seed shall not enter Paradise.” Someone asked, “A person likes to wear beautiful clothes and fine shoes.” He replied, “Allah is beautiful and likes beauty. Pride means rejecting the truth and looking down on other people.” [Sahih Muslim]

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