Chapter 5

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Assalamualaikum warrehmatullahi wabrakatahu. wassup guys how are u all.. hope this sees you in the best of health.

Here's the next chapter.


Hamza's POV

As I collect my luggage and walk towards the exit with my dad beside me, i see a huge crowd. Some carrying nameboards, some gathering their home retuned friends and relatives into bear hugs and some saying tearful goodbyes. It all seemed awkward or may be new to me.

"This is a face of India, for you" my dad said as if reading my thoughts. I smiled at him and walked ahead. And the very next moment there was a broad sparkling smile on my dads face. I looked into the direction he was looking and discovered uncle Mohammed standing there wide armed and having a broader smile than my dad's.

My dad suddenly started half running half walking and rushed into a bear hug with uncle Mohammed. They said their salams and were still in a side hug when i reached them, pushing the trolly carrying our luggage.

"Assalamualaikum, Uncle." i said smiling.

He immediately brought me in a hug and replied to my salam. This gesture actually surprised me, how could someone be so loving at the very first meet i thought. But whatso ever i loved it.

The drive from the airport to my Uncles house was full of talks about cricket, business, my dad's and uncle's old friends and general stuffs which i wasnt aware of and i just sat in my passenger's seat staring out of the window. My uncle tried to get me in the conversation many a times but i would reply with a word or two as i did not have much knowledge of the things they were talking. There was also a moment of silence when Uncle spoke about my Mom. But that was soon filled by other talks. Uncle Mohammed was one good to go guy and full of life. Dad and uncle were childhood friends as well so each of them knew the other to their nerves.

After a complete 45minutes of car drive we stopped infront of a black gate.The gaurd reached out to open it and as the driver was about to drive ahead we heard a horn from the inside of the gate. Only to see a red Hyundai i10 drive past our car after two minutes.

I took a glance to look at who was driving and it was a lady. A lady fully covered in hijab, ebayah and also a niqab. Why would anyone wear a niqab while driving a car? what was the need? i thought to myself. 

I was brought out of my thoughts when the car we sat in started and we headed in. The car went past a medium sized garden. The garden was beautiful. It had plants all over mostly bushes and flower plants. It also had few coconut trees and guava trees. In the between stood the strong neem tree which we had to circle to get to the house door. The garden also had a sing, a white one, there was a flowerbed of about two feets away to the left of the swing. It looked beautiful. It was serene. It was different. I loved it.

"Welcome Home.!" uncle mohammed yelled out in happiness as he opened the car doors for us. I got down and was about to gather all mie and dad's luggage when uncle Mohammed stopped me saying that the servants would take them to our rooms. Did i tell you how Alhamdulilah rich Uncle Mohammed was. Well not as much as the arabs but yess he was quite rich Alhamdulilah and had three servants working at his home and a driver, is what i heard him say to dad. well Alhamdulilah. But this never made him proudish or arrogant. He was like a guy next door. 

We went inside and to find aunt Humera waiting for us. My dad almost cried out when he hugged is sister. Me and Uncle Mohammed just stood their just smiling at them our eyes itself sparkling in tears.

Aunt Humera greeted me and hugged me as well. We all then sat down to eat our lunch that was delicious and a little heavy to take in after a journey. But it was super delicious to resist. All of us then sat down in the living room casually chatting about random stuffs.

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