Chapter 22

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Hamza's POV

I had been avoiding Hiba since the last week's incident. I didn't want to cause much more trouble for her in any manner qmd i thought it would be good if i just stayed away from her.

Anyhow, being the humble friendly girl she is. She greeted me with salams a couple of times i silently answered them and walked away. She must have thought i was rude, but i wasn't left with a choice.

It was Thursday today and the complete week i didnot let myself get close to her in any manner.

The classes ended and i rushed to the parking were Jannet and I had decided to meet. It made me immensely happy to know about Hiba and what she was doing and more than anything i felt it was my duty to know if she was good. I dont why i got this protective over her, i couldn't comprehend my feelings.. I didnot have control of them but the only thing i was sure of, was i wanted the best for her and always wanted her to be happy.

I saw Jannet coming and smiled at her. She was my source of news. She teased me about Hiba and when i asked about Hiba's whereabouts she started giving me the information.

I was listening to Jannet when something at the gate caught my eye. A girl fully covered in ebayah n hijab was talking to one of the watchman and a care speeding towards them dangerously. A girl from another direction shrieked out warning them and the covered girl pushed the watchman away only to be hit by the car with full force with her bag flying in the air and she herself tossed up to land on the cars top, then on the road after the car sped away. The bag landed a few seconds later. The Bag.! Did i see it somewhere?

Oh my Allah! That is Hiba's bag. Ya Allah protect her. With the immediate thought i pushed a talking Jannet to the side and ran towards the gate as fast as i could. But it seemed too slow.

By the time i reached the spot people had gathered around her and i just hoped and prayed it wasnt Hiba and just another girl using same bag as hers.

With great difficulty, pushing through people i reached her. With trembling hands and shaking legs i bent down and turned the lady. What i saw just didn't let me breathe. It was her. It was Hiba. My Hiba.!

I just didn't know what to do. Ya Allah! What do i do.? My body automatically came in contact with te ground beside her and held her head in my arms. She was lying there in a pool of blood which never seemed to stop.

I looked around me, students of the uni and passerbys had gathered around giving sympathetic looks. Between all this i glanced at a distance with teary eyes and saw Jannet frozen at a spot.

"Jannet.!! GET THE CAR OUT.! RIGHT NOW.!!" I yelled with shaky voice. To which she responded with a nod confused and rushed towards her car.

"HURRY UP DANM IT.!! JUST HURRY UP.!" I ushered people to move aside and carried Hiba bridal style towards the car.
I laid Hiba in the back seat and put her head in my lap. I also ordered Jannet to drive to the nearest hospital. But i dont know why and how but the car seemed to be moving to slow.

"Why dont you just increase the speed Jannet.? Its HIBA for Allah's sake." I half yelled half begged.

"I...i a..i am trying Hamza. I am going as fast as i can." She said crying.

"STOP.! Stop the car."

"What.??!!!" She shrieked.

"I said stop the car and get down." I ordered.

"B..but..hamza.??" She asked confused.

"Just stop the car and let me drive.! Just please stop the car without any questions now." I begged and she immediately did what i asked.

I drove at the highest speed and we reached the hospital in about 7minutes. I was in no condition to park the car inthe right place. Just stopped the car as soon as it reached in front of the hospital building i got down and carried Hiba inside as fast as my legs could take me.

"EMERGENCY.! EMERGENCY.!" i screamed. To which about two artendants brought a stretcher and i laid Hiba upon it. Jannet was probably parking the Car.

"Sir, we need ro take her to the emergency ward you please wait in the lobby." The attendant said.
"No.! Am coming with Hiba."

"Please sir, you are not allowed inside. Doctor will check on her and we will inform you about her very soon." He pleaded and i nodded. They took her in.

I just didn't know what to do all this while. Should i call Rahim.? Should i call dad.? No. This will stress them out. Ya Allah what do i do.

"Sir, the patient has lost lots of blood and we need B+ blood as soon as possible. And also we have tranfered the patient to the Intensive Care Unit. Please hurry up." After a complete 10minutes the attendant came out and informed.

I looked at Jannet confused. She was filling the hospital forms. She gave me the same look as me.

I moved my hand over my head. ya Allah where do i get the blood from. Not being so familiar with the place was getting to me now.
Think Hamza, think. I told myself.
And like a bulb it suddenly clicked that my blood group was B+ as well.

I ran towards the I.C.U and informed the attendant. He said he will have to talk to the doctor and get back. Within 2kinutes he was back and i was taken inside.

A bed was made ready for me. Moving towards the bed i saw Hiba lying there motion less. I couldn't stop the tears from falling.
Ya Allah please heal her. I prayed and with that i moved ahead towards the bed with the attendant and a nurse following me.

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