Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Last night, I had figured that this morning wouldn’t be so much fun, and I was completely right. I was tired and hung-over, and Laurane was even worse off than I was.

For once, I was up and out of bed before Laurane was. I reached over and yanked the covers off of her, and then I quietly walked away from her and went into the bathroom so I could get ready for school.

I ended up wearing skinny jeans and one of my favorite paramour t-shirts. I threw my hair up into a ponytail and slipped on some beat-up old converse. This was the typical hung-over me.

When I walked back out to Laurane, she was up and dressed (in sweatpants, Ugg boots, and a sweatshirt). When Laurane glared at me, I knew that she was still pissed off about what had happened last night.

Honestly, I just wanted to forget about it and move on, but Laurane seemed to have completely different plans.

“What the hell was up with you last night?” She demanded, with her hands on her hips.

I was shocked.

“Me?” I asked incredulously, “What about you? I wasn’t the one that was about to go off and have sex with Jesse!”

Laurane rolled her eyes and said, “I doubt that we really would have, and besides, it would have been my choice anyways!”

Laurane was really upset, but I think that I was even more pissed off than she was. Laurane didn’t get to act like this towards me, not when I was only trying to be a good friend and help her.

I couldn’t believe her.

“No Laurane, it wasn’t your choice to make. Not when you're drunk off your ass!”

Laurane looked like she was about to say something bitter and nasty right back to me, but she stopped herself just in time, and I saw something change in her eyes.

She was finally realizing what had actually happened last night.

Laurane’s eyes widened and she groaned, putting her head in her hands.

“Oh my god, you're right,” she said. “Was I really that drunk?”

I nodded. Laurane had gone way over the limit last night, and there was no point in denying it.

Finally though, Laurane was starting to realize what she had done.

“Oh wow,” she said, sitting down on her bed, “I am so sorry. I was really drunk, and really stupid last night. Ugh.”

I just put my arm around her and did my best to comfort her. Laurane didn’t do this often, and I figured that she didn’t need any more lecturing from me at the moment.

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