Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

It was dark. I was in an empty classroom. I tried to open the door, but it was locked, and so were the windows.

I started to get a little nervous – I had no idea why I was here. That is, until Laurane appeared – literally.

Laurane hadn’t opened the door or windows, and she sure as hell hadn’t been here a second ago. She had just…appeared. Weird.

“Laurane!” I said, relived, “Where are we?”

Laurane didn’t say anything. She just stared at me with a cold, harsh expression.

“Um, Laurane?” I asked, starting to get even more nervous again. Laurane never acted like this.

Finally Laurane spoke, but as soon as I heard what it was that she had to say, I wished that she had just kept quiet.

“I know that you’ve been lying to me,” she said in a flat, monotone voice. Laurane sat down in top of a desk.

I played dumb, holding on to the very small chance that this wasn’t about Aaron and I.

“What do you mean?” I asked in a small voice, with my eyes wide open, trying my hardest to look innocent.

Unfortunately for me though, Laurane saw right through this.

“Don’t play dumb!” She snapped, “I know about you and my brother!”


I stayed silent, not knowing what to say. Laurane got off of the desk that she had been sitting on and stormed over to me, not stopping until she was in my face.

“Why would you do this to me?” she demanded, making me flinch. Laurane never raised her voice.

“Why?” Well, she sure was raising her voice now.

I still stayed quiet, mainly because I was too shocked to actually say anything.

Suddenly, Laurane dropped down to the floor and started sobbing. Not knowing what else to do, I bent down and held her, comforting her.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered over and over again, “I’m so sorry.”

Laurane and I sat there for a while, and then she looked up at me and said, “You know what this means, right?”

I shook my head, getting more and more confused by the second.

Laurane took in a deep breath and then said, “We can’t be friends anymore.”

Then, before I even had time to react to that statement, Laurane’s body turned into Aaron’s, then Carly’s, and then disappeared completely.

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