You're younger than him

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Hey guys! So this is my first time I write imagines :) Actually it's the first time I write a story or better 'storybook' in particular, so yeah. I hope you like it :) Enjoy! (And I speak german, so I'm sorry if my English sucks sometimes.)


The fact that you were five years younger than him never bothered Thomas. He actually found it kinda cute to "show you how life works". You didn't mind either (I mean who would?;)) but some of the fans absolutely hated it. They said you were immature and too young in particular and that you were just using Thomas for fame and money. Of course you knew it wasn't true but the hate started to get to you either way. You didn't tell Thomas though, he would just worry and he had to concentrate on his career.

Today it was worse than ever. Your teacher had had a bad day and let it out on you and yelled the whole time. When you finally could go home your head was pounding because of the headache. You stumbled through the door and instantly went on Twitter - who knows why. You read the hate and you didn't know why but at that moment it hurt you like a brick that all the fans seemed to absolutely despise you.

You didn't even realize you were crying until a tear dropped on your phone screen. You went to your room that you shared with Thomas, laid on the bed and cried yourself to sleep.

When Thomas came home he called your name, but didn't receive an answer. He started to worry because usually you would already be home, dancing around the room and singing every song that came to your mind. Or you would study for your finals. When he found you in your shared bedroom with tears stained cheeks he already had an idea of what was up. Of course he had noticed a long time ago that you were sad when it came to the fans. But he never thought it was that bad. So when he went on Twitter and read all the hate you received he cried himself. How could they not love you? His wonderful, perfectly imperfect girlfriend? How could they hate you? Why didn't you tell him?


When you woke up and walked into the kitchen to get some Ice Cream Thomas instantly came up to you and hugged you tightly. "Why didn't you tell me?", he asked - a slight hint of hurt permanent in his voice. You tried to play it down. "It's not important what they think, is it?" You tried to laugh, but failed miserably. "Why me? Why do they hate me? Am I really too young? Do we have to break up?! I don't want to lose you, Thomas!", you rambled sobbing.

"Shh, babe. Hey Y/N, look at me. You. are. perfect. I don't care a single second if you are younger than me. It's not about the age. Age is just a number. What really counts is this", he said as he laid your hand on his chest. His heart was racing. "My heart always gets crazy when I see you, okay? Because I love you. And that's all that matters. And that you love me too of course", he chuckled at his last sentence. By now you were smiling.

"I love you too, Thomas", you said.

And by this time you knew: It doesn't mean anything that you were younger. All that mattered was the fact that you loved him. And he loved you.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster Imagines 🌹Where stories live. Discover now