How you meet

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*At the Airport*

After you finally checked in and had your ticked checked you plopped onto your seat. Today has been exhausting due you had to get up at 4 a.m. and drive to the Airport because your flight departed at 6 o'clock in the morning. You were moving to Toronto today and you couldn't be more excited. Your brother moved there about three years ago and you couldn't wait to see him again. Skyping and phoning just wasn't the same as talking to someone in person. You were extremely tired and so you just decided to sleep.

About half way through the 12 hours flight someone suddenly shook you. You woke up immediately and stared angrily at the (btw pretty good looking) young man beside you.

"I'm sorry to wake you but they are distributing the food and I thought I can't let you miss it since it's the only thing you'll get to eat for the next six hours."

"Oh, okay thank you. You're from England, aren't you?" You decided to talk to the stranger because he seemed really nice.

"Yeah, I could ask myself how you found out about that but I guess it's hard to not hear my accent" He laughed. Man, he has an adorable laugh. (he really does *-*)

You two talked the whole flight through. He was such an interesting person (he didn't tell you who he was though) and it was weird but you somehow thought you had seen him somewhere before. You two laughed a lot and you were a little disappointed when the plane landed.

*skip to goodbye*

"It was really nice talking to you", Thomas (you found that name sounded really familiar but you just really didn't know why) said while he pulled you into a short hug. "Yeah, it was fun", you smiled. "I would really like to see you again, Y/N. Call me maybe (See what I did here? :D #old)", he said while he handed you a simple white paper. He turned around and walked away.

He turned around one last time just to see your reaction, when realization suddenly hit you.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster AKA the absolutely hottest boy on earth just gave you his number.

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