Little Venice (Oneshot)

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Oneshot for Jasmine ( @toomanycrushesmarvel ), thank you so much for your request! Enjoy <3


Walking along the riverside of Little Venice, Thomas wrapped his coat a little tighter around himself. The weather, as usual, was rather gloomy. He looked up at the sky that was covered with a seemingly impenetrable blanket of gray. The temperature was barely above 15 degrees, making him having to go outside even more unpleasant than usual. Recently he'd stayed in most of the time, mainly because he simply didn't have any reason to go outside but also because he had been feeling a bit under the weather. Today though, he had decided to go to the grocery store and even though there was one right next to his house, he preferred the one where he was heading to now.

Normally, Little Venice would be crowded with tourists but since it was still quite early in the morning, there was no one around. Passing by one of his favorite cafés he couldn't help but notice the woman standing in front of it, leaning against the wall. She was holding a take-away coffee cup in her hand while simultaneously being in a rather heated discussion on the phone.

Even though she seemed to be upset with whoever was on the other end, Thomas knew better than to interrupt. It was none of his business and so he just kept on walking, passing by one tree after another and finally arriving at the grocery store. After buying some bagels, eggs and Worcestershire sauce, which one of his favorites, he decided that he would head back to the coffee shop from before; not only did they have delicious coffee, but it would also give him the opportunity to pass by the stranger one more time before he would never see her again – if she was still there.

When he got to the coffee shop she was no where to be found. Almost a little disappointed, Thomas went inside, got a cup of coffee without milk but quite a bit of sugar, and started making his way home again. That's when he noticed the stranger from before sitting on a bench, staring at the water. Her light brown hair seemed to be a bit damp, probably from the morning mist that was still in the air. He had almost passed the bench by the bench entirely, when he heard a noise – to be more specific a sob – come from the stranger. Turning his head, he saw that she had spilled her coffee in front of her, the dark liquid running towards the little river.

Thomas had never been the type to just approach someone out of nowhere but he couldn't help himself. Seeing her sitting there made his stomach turn in a way that caught him off guard.

Still a bit unsure of what to say, he slowly approached her, making sure she saw him coming as to not make her feel uncomfortable by just creeping up on her from behind. When she saw him approach her, the woman quickly wiped the tears away as if her sobs weren't a dead give-away of what just went down.

"Do you mind if I sit next to you?", Thomas asked carefully, expecting the stranger to deny his request and mentally already preparing himself to leave again.

"Only if you don't mind me crying", the woman said and started searching her bag for a tissue.

"Well, that's actually why I came up to you... I know it is none of my business and you certainly don't have to talk about anything if you don't feel like it but it felt wrong to just pass by when you're here crying by yourself."

"Thank you for your concern, that's really kind of you."

The woman had now turned to face him, and Thomas had to focus on his breathing for a second. He had noticed that she was pretty when he passed her by the first time but now that he was face to face with her, he realized how stunning she actually was.

Clearing his throat, he suddenly realized how he hadn't even introduced himself yet.

"I totally forgot to introduce myself, my name's Thomas."

"Jasmine", the woman answered. She seemed to bit unsure of what to do but at least the tears had stopped streaming down her cheeks now.

After a moment of silence in which Jasmine wiped away the stains her mascara had left just before, she spoke up again: "My boyfriend just broke up with me."

Not knowing why, she started telling Thomas how they'd been arguing all the time, sometimes for hours on end, about the stupidest stuff. He had started blaming her for every single thing that ever went wrong with his life and yet she stayed with him – because she was in love. Or was she? After three years together, it was hard to know if it was really love or just a habit. Realizing how much time she'd just spent telling someone she'd met just now about her love-life, she turned red in embarrassment.

Not really knowing how to respond to what she just told him nor how to help her through her heartbreak, Thomas offered to take her for an early brunch instead.

"I'm not really that great with words when it comes to these kind of things... but I know a really good brunch place around here and if I'm not a bother to you, I would love to take you there. I mean, only if you want to, you really don't have to if you don't feel like it – especially since I'm technically a stranger and –" Thomas rambled and probably would've continued to do so had Jasmine not cut him off by agreeing to go there with him.

During brunch, Thomas caught himself not being able to think straight whenever he looked at Jasmine too closely. She wasn't nearly as tall as him and even sitting down he could see a clear height difference. Though she was truly a beautiful woman, it wasn't her appearance that intrigued him so much. Rather, it was her aura. Just minutes before she'd been sitting alone on a bench, crying her heart out for some selfish dude who didn't even notice the pain he was causing her – and now there she was in front of him; smiling, even laughing at some things he'd said to her.

When brunch ended, neither of them wanted to part ways but neither were they willing to make the first move. What they agreed on though, was to at least exchange numbers in case of "emergencies" like, not having anyone to go to brunch with... or dinner... or the museum...

Getting home with a headache from having cried so much early in the morning, Jasmine actually noticed something about herself that she didn't expect to see: a smile had made its way onto her face. 


I'm back.. maybe? I have no idea haha. If any of you want me to write you a personalised oneshot or have an idea on what you want me to write, just leave a comment or DM me :)

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