You're not used to spending money

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"Would you like to try it on?", Thomas asked, his voice catching you completely off guard. You were looking at a wonderful delicate bracelet with a little anker attached to it.

You liked it, it was beautiful but you couldn't afford it and even if you could - you wouldn't want to spend so much money on a simple bracelet.

"No, I can't afford it anyways, so...", you cuckled. You smiled at him. It was December and freezing outside, the trees which were planted along the street were glaced with snow.

"I'd like to buy it for you", he stated.

"No, please don't", you looked at him sternly.

He sighed. "Why won't you ever let me buy something for you. I'd like to show you what you're worth to me but you somehow never let me... why?", he asked for what seemed the millionth time.

"You know I don't like it when you buy me stuff. You can show your love through so many other ways and you really don't need to spend money on such unnecessary expensive things", you replied.

This discussion was not unfamiliar to the two of you. He sometimes came home with a new pair of high heels or a new dress for you although he knew you didn't like him spoiling you this way.
It made you feel bad... bad because you couldn't spoil him the way he did it with you. Bad because felt like you were using him although you both knew you weren't.

"But you're my girl and you deserve to be treated like a princess", he frowned. He never understood why you wouldn't let him give what you deserve in his eyes.

"But don't you understand that simply being with you makes me feel like a queen?", you asked, stuffing your hands into the pockets of your coat.

He sighed in defeat and kissed you on the forehead. He knew that he couldn't win this discussion. And you knew that he would get his way.

• • • •

The next morning there was a small casket lying on the table. Beside it was a letter which read
"For my queen."

Inside the little box was the necklace you were looking at yesterday...


Hello... it's me. *laughs awkwardly because the joke's so overused*
Please let me know whether you liked it or not in the comments :)

Also there's a little announcement: I'll start doing personal imagines too so if you want me to write you an imagine just tell me a few things:
• storyline
• what you look like / want to look like
• a few words about your character
• season

Have a nice day :) ❤

Thomas Brodie-Sangster Imagines 🌹Where stories live. Discover now