Chapter 27. Sand hearts

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Bella's POV

I woke up around 10 and Cameron was still sleeping. I planted a soft kind on his shoulder and got out of bed and made my way to the living room. I saw Nash and Taylor digging through the fridge and I smiled.

"Morning." I said and they both looked at me and greeted back.

"Back up, I'll make breakfast." I said and they cheered and went and sat in the living room. I got out the eggs, bacon and toast. I turned on the stove and while that heat up I put some toast in the toaster. I out two eggs at a time on a pan till they were all cooked.

Soon all the food was done and I made their plates so we all would have equal amount. I felt two strong arms around my waist and looked up.

"Morning baby." Cameron said and kissed my lips. I smiled and turned around still in his arms.

"After we eat how about we hit the beach." He said and I traced his chest.

"Sounds good!" I said and grabbed a plate, sitting next to Nash. We started watching NCIS and Cameron sat on a chair across from me and smiled.

  I ate as fast as I could so I can spend the day with Cameron. After my plate was empty I rinsed it off and put it in the dishwasher. Cameron did the same and I went into my room and got my swimsuit and changed. I braided my hair off to the side and put on a short over my bikini. I put on my Matthew Espinosa flip flops and packed my bag. There was a knock at my door and Cameron came in with a black tank top and grey swim shorts.

"Ready!" He asked and I nodded.

  We announced that we were leaving and we did. We got in his car and drove a few minutes to the beach till we parked and ran onto the sand.

I sat down my towel and stuff and took off my shirt. Cameron did the same and ran Into the water. I laughed at him and walking in the water next to him.

"Your beautiful." He said and pulled me so my chest was against his. I smiled and kissed him.

  We swam for about and hour and we tanned for another. Layer we went back home and laid down in my room.

" how long about have we been dating?" I asked feeling ashamed that I didn't know

"Um about... Maybe four or more months." He said and I nodded. We just laid there for a few minutes until he broke the silence.

"If it was physically possible, I would literally give you my heart to show you how much I love you." He said and I leaned up to face him. I smiled and kissed him. First it started to be a slow passionate kiss until Cameron flipped me over an deepened it.

  It didn't last long till we pulled away and I yawned.

" I'm tired." I said and he agreed. I changed into so,e shorts and one of Cameron's shirts and turned off the light. I laid down next to him and snuggled into his chest. His warmth surrounded me and I suddenly became more tired than I was.

"I love you Bella" Cameron said and kiss my head. I smiled and leaned up and kissed his cheek.

" I love you too Cam."

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