Naruto 2

73 4 5

Yay. I updated two chapters in a day. It's because I haven't updated for about two weeks.

My reaction to this chapter. "Lmao. It was good but really wired" You'll see what I am talking about. Anyway have fun and don't forget to vote and comment.
Special thanks to TotalAnimeFreak she really liked the last Naruto chapter. Thank you. We love you

Chapter 4

Gara's toy.

Pairing(s): Garaxtoy ( lol)

Genre: Humour

Gaara wasn't exactly sure when or how it happened, but all of a sudden he found himself very, very, extremely attracted to something. The object of adoration was none other than his brother Kankaru's wooden puppet.

Gaara had taken an almost psychotic liking to it, so much so that he could not stand to not be with it twenty four seven. He even took the liberty of naming the puppet "Molly".

Finally, Kankaru had enough of his brother, the kazekage living in his closet with Molly.

"Gaara. Get the fuck out or I kill her." Kankuro threatened.

Gaara whimpered sadly. He knew that he should get back to his Kage duties soon, but how could he possibly leave the ever addicting and adorable and amazing and wonderful and beautiful Molly?!

"NU!" He squealed at his brother, and sent a gust of sand flying into Kankuro's eyes.

"Wind style... Blow that stupid dust away." Growled Temari as she barged into Kankuro's room with an annoyed Shikamaru following closely behind.

"Gaara you little bitch. I come home once a year for friking Christmas, and you can't leave that stupid puppet alone for ten minutes?!"

"This is so annoying..." Sighed Shikamaru as he shook his head sadly.

"It's not even christmas!" Gaara protested, then his eyes turned deadly. "Don't you ever say that Molly is just a puppet. He's so much more than that! M-molly... He's a real boy!"

"B-boy?!" Kankuro asked, shocked. After a moment, he burst out laughing. "Gaara, with all due respect I think I know what gender my puppets are."

"No you don't!!!" Gaara yelled, and stood up with a flurry of sand. "I mean, have you ever tried to have sex with it?!"

His question was met with utter silence.

"That's what I thought!" Gaara nodded to himself, then rubbed his cheeks on Molly. "Don't listen to them Mols, they don't know what they're talking about."

"But... Gaara. It is Christmas today." Temari said, her voice filled with concern for her lord and baby brother. Well, he wasn't a baby any longer, as the full beard on Gaara's face evidently showed.

"y you lie." Gaara whined. "y you always lieeeing."

"Gaara you piece of shit you've been in the closet for almost half a year now! Get the fuck out before I blow this house down you hoe." Temari fumed.

"Shadow Imitation Jutsu." Shikamaru sighed out. He caught Gaara and forcefully dragged him out.

"NUUUUUUUUUU" Gaara yelled with rage, and plopped a huge sand shit on top of Shikamaru.

"Fuck this shit I'm out." The leaf ninja said, then flipped the sand siblings off and left the room.

"Great. Now my hubby's upset at me. Thanks a lot dick." Temari growled at Gaara who responded with a haughty turn of his head.

"Oh you little biiiiitch. Now you're asking for it! Wind Style, Kill this stupid baka brother!" Temari roared

"Noooo you can't kill Gaara-sama!" A legion of fangirls swarmed out and pushed Temari's fan aside, so that the wind-style jutsu hit the puppet Molly instead. A gust of wind later, Gaara was covered head to toe with a sparkling white crystal.

"... Gaara.... Have you been doing Molly?!" Kankuro asked, his eyes wide with shock.

"I've literally already told you that, baka." Gaara said, taking a big whiff.

"Fuck this shit, I'm out." Temari and Kankuro said simultaneously.

"Now we're all alone~" Gaara sighed happily. There he lived with Molly for another thirty-six years, before the drug ran out. Gaara stepped back into society, only to find that the sand village had collapsed because there was no one left to rule it, Temari ran away forever to the leaf village, and that Kankuro had died seven years ago because of depression.

Gaara took a long walk around the village, and found a crying baby in an abandoned building. Picking up the child, he found a note attached.

"Please take care of Molly"

A wicked light lit up Gaara's eyes, and he smiled with a malicious intent. And that, is how Gaara found a new toy and became the world's biggest pedophile.

And done. Another well written chapter by TheInfinityOfMaybe. I am so jealous. *Weeps* Lol.

I would like to make some adjustments to the book. Initially it was supposed to contain 3 fanfictions but now I am open to other fanfictions. If you want to join you can just pm me. Thanks.

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