Fairy Tail 6

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Sorry for not updating in forever but my phone fell into pepper and it took forever to repair. And I was processing my university admission, was having a writers block. And unfortunately my phone was wiped in the process of repairing it. I feel like going over there and pushing a knife through the chest of the person that repaired it. All of my songs and apps. Ugh. I mean it's just the charging point that wasn't working so why format the phone. Smh.

And we are writing Christmas prompts this December.

Chapter 11
Title: Grave
Pairing: Graylu, Grayza
Genre: Hurt and comfort. Humour.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Merry Christmas." The members of the guilds all shouted before congratulating each other. Some other members like Natsu and Elfman had already started opening the presents under the Christmas tree.

"Hey Elfman, that belongs to me. I reached for it first."

"Well I don't see your name on it. Don't touch it... Ouch, get of me so that I can pound you into the ground you hot-headed animal."

"What did you call me?" Natsu shouted.

"You heard me." And with that Natsu lunged at him and another brawl started. What's a party in fairy tail without a brawl.

While most members had been pulled in one way or the other, one of the core members of the guild fight wasn't in it. Gray Fullbuster sat down in a dark corner at the guild drinking. He didn't feel like celebrating, Christmas would never be the same without her.


Lucy sighed for the hundredth time that morning to Mirajane's annoyance. The stellar mage jumped when a glass slammed on the table in front of her and saw a highly annoyed demon.

"Okay you need you to stop doing that. It's preventing me from working effectively."


"This is the hundredth time you are doing that annoying thing this morning. It's irritating and if you do it one more time I might hang you. Go talk to him."

"Talk to who?"

Mirajane looked ready to slay her. "Who else? Gray you idiot. You have been staring at him."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"You know sitting here and moping around won't help you. It's so obvious the way you linger on him when he isn't looking, you stare absentmindedly at him and have the biggest smile when he smiles or talks to you." By the time Mira was done she had huge hearts in her eyes.

Lucy rolled her eyes. "What am I supposed to do. Go to him and sah 'Gray I have feelings for you?' Pttf."

"Yup that's exactly what you are going to do but in a more romantic way."

"I think he already knows. He is still hung up on her."

Mirajane's suddenly turned sad. "He is leaving. You should go comfort him." She said quietly.

Lucy was about to protest but the muder intention radiating around Mira made her run for her life.


Gray left the guild and didn't know where his legs carried him until he found himself right in front of the church cemetery. He sighed, somehow he always ended up there. He walked in and found a particular Gravestone with a mighty horse and a gallant red haired knight. Erza Scarlet.

He sat down on the ground despite the snow, looking at the grave for a long time before he sighed and finally spoke.

"Hey Ezra."


"Merry Christmas Ezra." He let out a humourless chuckle. "You won't believe it right? Time flies. It's been less than a year since you abandoned us... Since you abandoned me. 11 months to be exact."


"It's been a long time since I came here so I just wanted to stop by... You know everyone keeps saying it gets better. That's a lie, it doesn't. Everyday when I wake up and you are not there cooking or still sleeping it's like a knife passed through my chest."


"Christmas won't be the same without you." He laughed." You used to complain about getting a seduction armor for Christmas or a letter that says you should be nicer and you would go all beast mode on everyone. I was the one who sent those presents. I didn't put my name because I know you would dig out my grave. Too bad, I never got to tell you."


"Oh and that Strawberry cake you got for Christmas last year, the one with pepper in it. I sent that too. You should have seen the look on your face. It was absolutely priceless." He laughed until tears gathered in his eyes. "I know I have said this a thousand times. You didn't have to jump in front of me, I could take care of myself. I hate you for that. I really do."


He sighed for the millionth time. " I brought you a present." He said and he presented a strawberry cake in her grave.


"You like it?" He asked and he could have sworn the air grew warmer around him. Maybe he was imagining things.


He laughed sincerely this time. "Really Ezra, I knew you would like it. Don't worry there is no pepper in it. Unfortunately I am eating it. I brought a spoon." He said as he pulled out his spoon. The air grew colder.


"So you want to freeze me to death because I am eating your cake. Too bad the cold never bothers me anyway. Damn. Flame brain was right, I do sound like Elsa when I say that."


Lucy watched him as he sat and eat his cake, laughing and talking to 'Ezra'. She could feel the change in the weather anytime he said something.

"He must have really loved her huh?"

The breeze suddenly came in strong and her skirt blew up showing her pants. "Ahhh." She screamed before she even realized it. She tried putting her skirt down. Gray turned around to see a very red faced Lucy trying to cover her pants.

"So embarrassing." She thought.

"Come sit with me." He said and the wind stopped. Lucy sighed. It was Ezra just trying to play matchmaker from heaven.

She nodded and sat with him. They made small talks and then there was silence.

"Um Gray... Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas Lucy."

"Gray, You see...uh, this isn't the right time to say this. Definitely not but urm.."

He surprised her when he pulled her into a warm hug.

"Just a little longer Lucy. Wait for me. Just a little longer." He murmured.

She nodded and noticed the air was warmer. Ezra was indeed trying to play matchmaker.

"Merry Christmas Ezra. Thank you." She whispered to the sky.
____________________________ __________

Oh yeah before I forget. Announcement everyone. Who reads hunter X hunter fanfictions here? Check out @TheInfinityofMaybe hunter X hunter fanfictions. I haven't watched the anime so I can't read the fanfictions but I am sure it would be great. After reading her fairy tail story I am sure it would be good.

Oh and there is an Hunter X Hunter wattys award now. Don't forget to check it out and enter your stories. And vote for 'Who is she?' I think that's the name. It's @TheInfinityofMaybe work. I am going to vote now and probably read the fanfiction when I watch the anime. And spread the word. Pretty please. Thank you.

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